Recognized as the gold standard in consultation psychiatry, the newest edition of this handbook is an authoritative, compact, and affordable resource for psychiatrists, residents, and non-psychiatric medical staff. Written by members of the prestigious MGH Department of Psychiatry, it contains practical advice and strategies for diagnosing and treating the most common psychiatric problems seen in the general hospital setting. For the psychiatrist, it remains a practical guide to cognitive, behavioural, and psychopharmacological tools needed to diagnose patients and to advise non-psychiatrists. For the primary care provider, it provides basic psychiatric information to assist in care of medical patients under psychiatric care or who have a psychiatric dimension to their illness.
1. Beginnings: Psychosomatic Medicine and Consultation Psychiatry in the General Hospital 2. Approach to Consultation Psychiatry: Assessment Strategies 3. Limbic Music 4. Functional Neuroanatomy and the Neurological Examination 5. Diagnostic Rating Scales and Laboratory Tests 6. Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment 7. Coping with Illness and Psychotherapy of the Medically Ill 8. Depressed and Mood-Disordered Patients 9. Suicidal Patients 10. Electroconvulsive Therapy in the General Hospital 11. ICU Patients 12. Delirious Patients 13. Demented Patients 14. Psychotic Patients 15. Anxious Patients 16. Alcoholic Patients - Acute and Chronic 17. Drug-Addicted Patients 18. Psychopharmacologic Issues in the Medical Setting 19. Functional Somatic Symptoms and Somatoform Disorders 20. Difficult Patients 21. Pain Patients 22. Legal Aspects of Consultation 23. End of Life Issues: Principles of Care and Ethics 24. Consultation with Children 25. Psychopharmacology for Children and Adolescents. 26. Care of the Geriatric Patient 27. Patients with Neurological Conditions I. Seizure Disorders (including non-epileptic seizures), Cerebrovascular Disease, and Traumatic Brain Injury 28. Patients with Neurological Conditions II. Movement Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, and other Neurological Conditions 29. Aggressive and Impulsive Patients 30. Catatonia, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and Serotonin Syndrome 31. Patients with Disordered Sleep 32. The Psychiatric Management of Patients with Cardiac Dis ease 33. Patients with Cancer 34. Ob/Gyn Patients 35. Patients with Eating Disorders 36. Organ Failure and Transplantation Patients 37. HIV/AIDS Patients 38. Burn Patients 39. Chronic Medical Illness 40. Genetics and Genetic Disorders 41. Coping with Culture and Cross Cultural Issues 42. Behavioral Medicine and Hypnosis 43. Complementary Medicine and Natural Medications 44. Collaborative Care 45. Billing, Documentation, and Cost Effectiveness of Consultation 46. Medical Psychiatry and its Future