Mosbys Nursing Drug Cards are an excellent resource for students and professionals seeking concise, portable, and convenient drug information. The 2005 edition features 480 cards, including 40 new drugs and 100 new drug facts, which contain pharmacology and nursing management content for over 860 generic and 1,320 brand-name drugs. This boxed card set also includes approximately 70 drug category cards, which allows for easy review and thorough understanding of the relationship among individual drugs in the same category. Along with the cards for individual drugs and drug categories, additional features include Drug Class Quickfacts, Fundamentals of Drug Therapy, the convenient Drug Review Guide, Management of Ingested Drug Overdose, as well as appendices of Nutritional Supplements:: Herbal and Non-herbal Products and Look-Alike/Sound-Alike Drug Names. A plastic sleeve is included to enable users to carry a handful of cards at a time for quick reference during clinicals.
Preface Drug card explanation Selected manufacturer abbreviations Abbreviations Bibliography Fundamentals of Drug Therapy Drug Class Quickfacts Drug Review Guide Drug cards Category cards Management of Ingested Drug Overdose Appendixes A. Drug Dosage Calculations B. Syringe Compatibility Chart C. IV Compatibility Chart D. Nutritional Supplements: Herbal and Non-herbal Products E. Look-Alike/Sound-alike Drug Names Index Blank cards