This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, Guest Edited by Drs. Lyle Micheli and Pierre dHemecourt, focuses on Spinal Injuries in the Athlete. Articles in this outstanding issue include:: Sport Specific Biomechanics of Spinal Injuries in the Athlete (Throwing Athletes, Rotational Sports and Contact-collision); Sport Specific Biomechanics of Spinal Injuries in the Athlete (Dance, Figure Skating and Gymnastics); Back Pain in the Pediatric and Adolescent Athlete; Spinal Deformity and Congenital Abnormalities; The Young Adult Spine; The Aging Spine; Thoraco-lumbar Spine:: Trauma and spinal deformity:: Indications for Surgical Fusion and Return to Play Criteria; Overview of spinal interventions; Congenital and Acute Cervical Spine injuries with Return to Play Criteria; Degenerative Cervical Spine Disease; Spinal cord abnormalities; Infectious, Inflammatory, and Metabolic Diseases of the Spine; and Spinal tumors.