Reading Research is the ideal tool for anyone new to research or perhaps intimidated by the subject. Perfect for students or anyone involved in health sciences research, this easy-to-use guide introduces the essential elements of research and helps to bridge the gap between investigation and practice. Reading Research includes the basic steps for understanding and assessing research articles, and ultimately deciding whether to incorporate results into clinical practice. Designed to address both qualitative and quantitative research, the authors user-friendly approach provides advice on easier research access through clinical practice guidelines, meta-analysis and systematic reviews. The guide also provides worksheets that are designed to be used in companion with a research article to evaluate as the reader progresses through the article. A section on analysis reflects the types of studies currently being done in health science literature. New sections in the third edition address the levels of evidence, the rigor in research, and Tips and Alerts provide practical advice to consider when reading research. An accompanying web site will provide up-to-date web links for relevant research projects and other research-related sites. Worksheets included in the text are also available for download from the web site.