The profession of therapeutic recreation has faced many challenges in recent years. Professional Issues in Therapeutic Recreation:: On Competence and Outcomes, 3rd ed., brings together an incredibly diverse and knowledgeable range of authors to intelligently and articulately present these issues. This new edition draws upon the insight and knowledge of those now leading the TR profession in seeking to better place the profession as a valuable health and human service offering and as a much desired career choice. Thirty chapters represent the prime issues and challenges currently facing the field. Like the first two editions, this effort has four major sections:: Introduction, Education, Practice, and Research. Each section begins with a Keynote chapter aimed at setting the stage for that particular section. Each section also ends with a Perspective chapter, largely an opinion or viewpoint piece to encourage readers to continue discussion on related issues. Exciting elements of this third edition include the following:: Updated to address new, contemporary issues and challenges; 30 chapters, with over 80 authors, many new authors and long-time content experts in the field; 12 brand new chapters, addressing the latest issues and future directions of the field; Chapters are independent, yet interrelated as are the issues; Complete yet concise descriptions of issues, not answering, but posing questions for discovery and reflection; Discussion questions at end of each chapter.