This definitive reference will provide paediatric urologists with detailed descriptions of todays best approaches for the functional, biological, and morphological aspects of the urinary tract before and after birth.
From perinatal nephrology and nuclear medicine to congenital anomalies and genitourinary oncology, Pediatric Urology will ensure that specialists in the field are up-to-date with all the latest advances and technological developments in the field.
I. Basics Section 1. Embryology and Pathophysiology of the Kidneys and Urinary Tracts Chapter 1. Embryology of the Urogenital Tract Chapter 2. Perinatal Nephrourology Chapter 3. Fetal Urine Biochemistry: Prognostic Factors of Renal Function Chapter 4. Renal Function in Childhood and Adolescence Chapter 5. Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition Section 2. Morphological Investigations Chapter 6. Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Renal Abnormalities Chapter 7. Postnatal Sonographic Renal Screening Chapter 8. Contrast Studies in Pediatric Urology Chapter 9. CT and MRI of the Kidneys in Children Chapter 10. Endoscopy of the Lower Urinary Tract Chapter 11. Laparoscopy in Pediatric Urology Section 3. Functional Investigations Chapter 12. Radioisotope Imaging of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract Chapter 13. Urodynamic Studies of the Lower Urinary Tract Chapter 14. Urodynamic Studies of the Upper Urinary Tact Section 4. Special Considerations Chapter 15. Genes, Urinary Tract Development, and Human DiseaseChapter 16. Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections Chapter 17. Nursing Intervention in Pediatric Urology
II. Kidney Chapter 18.Abnormal Migration and Fusion of the Kidneys Chapter 19.Multisystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease Chapter 20.Glomerulonephritis in Children
III. Upper Urinary Tract Section 1. Congenital Urine Flow Impairments Chapter 21. Congenital Urine Flow Impairments of the Upper Urinary Tract: Pathophysiology and Experimental Studies Chapter 22. Ureteropelvic Junction Anomalies: Congenital UPJ Problems in Children Chapter 23. Ureterovesical Junction Anomalies-Megaureters Section 2. Reflux Chapter 24. Vesicoureteral Reflux: Pathophysiology and Experimental Studies Chapter 25. The Diagnosis and Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux Chapter 26. Endoscopic: Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux Chapter 27. Surgery for Vesicoureteral Reflux Section 3. Structural Anomalies Chapter 28. Ureteral Duplication, Ectopy, and Ureteroceles
IV. Bladder Chapter 29. Pathophysiology of Bladder Dysfunction Chapter 30. A Pragmatic Approach to the Evaluation and Management of Non-Neuropathic Daytime Voiding Disorders Chapter 31. Nocturnal Enuresis Chapter 32. The Bladder Exstrophy, Epispadias, Cloacal Exstrophy Complex Chapter 33. Episadias Chapter 34. The Genitalia in Exstrophy and Epispadias Chapter 35. Bladder Diverticula, Urachal Anomalies, and Other Uncommon Anomalies of the Bladder Chapter 36. Prune-Belly Syndrome
V. Infravesical Urine Flow Impairments Chapter 37. Posterior Urethral Valves Chapter 38. Urethral Duplication and Other Urethral Anomalies
VI. Genitalia Section 1. Ambiguous Genitalia Chapter 39. Ambigiuious Genitalia/Intersex: Endocrine Aspects Chapter 40. Surgical Management of Female Genital Anomalies, Intersex (Urogenital Sinus) Disorders, and Cloacal Anomalies Chapter 41. Adolescent Urogynecology Chapter 42. Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Genitourninary Conditons Section 2. Male Genital Abnormalities Chapter 43. Foreskin Chapter 44. Hypospadias Chapter 45. Disorders of the Penis and Scrotum Chapter 46. Cryptorchidism Chapter 47. Patent Processus Vaginalis Chapter 48. The Pediatric Varicocele
VII. Nephrourology Chapter 49. Acute and Chronic Renal Failure in Children Chapter 50. Medical Aspects of Transplantation Chapter 51. Pediatric Renal Transplantation: Surgical Considerations Chapter 52. Urolithiasis in Children
VIII. Urogenital Tumors Chapter 53. Oncological Aspects of Urological Tumors Chapter 54. Wilms Tumor Chapter 55. Rhabdomyosarcoma Chapter 56. Testicular Tumors Chapter 57. Adrenal Tumors in Children