Articles in this issue include:: Epidemiology of Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Global War on Terror; Biomechanics of Projectile and Blast Injuries; Debridement and Cleansing of Traumatic Foot and Ankle Wounds Sustained in Theater; The Use of Tourniquets in the Modern Combat Environment; Unique Issues Related to Fasciotomies in the Combat Environment; The Mangled Foot and Leg:: Salvage vs. Amputation; Strategies for Managing Massive Defects of the Foot and Ankle in High Energy; Combat Injuries of the Lower Extremity; Strategies for Managing Soft Tissue Defects of the Combat Injured Foot and Ankle; Revascularization of the Ischemic Foot and Ankle War Injury; The Center for the Intrepid:: Model for Rehabilitation Centers of Excellence in the 21st Century; Rehabilitation of the War Injured Foot and Ankle; Recent Advances in Lower Extremity Amputations and Prosthetics; Unique Issues and Complications of Foot and Ankle Injuries Secondary to Warfare.