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There have been many recent advances in the last decade for minimally invasive image guided techniques for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer such as VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery), endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration and endobronchial ultrasound with fine needle aspiration.
Todays clinicians that take care of patients with known or suspected lung cancer have a panel of image-guided techniques available to them. The application as well as sequential selection of these techniques for optimal diagnosis and staging can get confusing. This handbook will describe the pros the pros and cons of various (newer as well as traditional) minimally invasive techniques, their interplay, complementary advantages, suggested algorithms for application of these techniques. It will guide the clinician to answering the many unanswered questions as well as directions for future research.
The handbook will be very timely for thoracic surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pulmonologists, radiologists and any other physician or allied health professional (Physician Assistants, Nurse Clinicians, Advanced Practice Nurses etc.) involved in the care of patients with lung cancer. The editors of the book will be from disciplines of medicine, surgery and radiology providing their varied expertise and balance in creating this work.
Data sheet
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:Introduction
Chapter 2: Staging Classification of Lung Cancer
Chapter 4: Mediastinoscopy
Chapter 5: Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS)
Chapter 6: CT guided percutaneous needle aspiration and biopsy
Chapter 7: Bronchoscopy, Biopsy and Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA)
Chapter 8: Endobronchial Ultrasound(EBUS) with FNA
Chapter 9: Endoscopic Ultrasound(EUS) with FNA
Chapter 10: Training requirements for minimally invasive interventional techniques(EBUS, Mediastinoscopy, VATS, etc.) for lung cancer.
Chapter 11: An algorithm based on above techniques.
Chapter 12: Future Directions
Reference: 6897
Author: Hanna Szczepańska
Poradnik terapeuty
Reference: 18729
Author: Justyna Mizera
Optymalne warianty żywieniowe oraz mechanizmy fizjologiczne