Nursing2010 Student Drug Handbook is a comprehensive A-to-Z drug reference designed for nursing students. The book contains chapters on drug therapy and the nursing process, essentials of dosage calculations, drug administration routes (illustrated), and drug administration safety. This student guide also has a section of monographs on common drug classes (with prototype drugs highlighted). Every monograph for individual drugs has information organized by the nursing process. These consistently formatted monographs cover generic and trade names, pronunciations, pharmacologic and therapeutic class, pregnancy risk category, controlled substance schedule (if applicable), indications and dosages with Adjust-a-dose for special populations, administration information including highlighted I.V. administration and incompatibilities where appropriate, contraindications and cautions, adverse reactions, interactions, effects on lab test results, pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and tables with route, onset, peak, and duration), drug action, available forms, and the nursing process (assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning and implementation, patient teaching, evaluation). The Web site ancillaries include more than 300 NCLEX(R)-style questions, including alternate form questions as well as several other helpful tools derived from ancillaries for Nursing2010 Drug Handbook.