A clinically focused, reader-friendly format, and international scope make this landmark reference unique among encyclopaedic infectious disease resources.
More than 300 global experts cover all aspects of the investigation, diagnosis, and clinical management of every infectious condition. Abundant Practice Points convey valuable clinical pearls from the authors. The compreupdated 2nd Edition features an even more geographically diverse set of contributors than its predecessor, as well as brand-new information on nosocomial infections, HIV/AIDS, and many other timely topics.
Infectious Diseases, 2nd edition is now available as a state-of-the-art website. As well as the complete text online, in a fully searchable format, you will also get::
Continuous content updates A complete library of easily downloadable electronic images Links to key society web sites Case studies with self-assessment practice guidelines And much more!
Section 1: Introduction to Infectious Diseases 1. Nature and pathogenicity of micro-organisms 2. Host responses to infection 3. Prevention and chemoprophylaxis 4. Emerging and re-emerging pathogens and diseases 5. Diseases of unknown etiology that may be due to infections 6. Bioterrorism 7. Microbial genomes Section 2: Syndromes by Body System SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE 8. Viral exanthems 9. Cellulitis, pyoderma, abscesses and other skin and subcutaneous infections 10. Necrotising fasciitis, gas gangrene, myositis and myonecrosis 11. Ectoparasites 12. Dermatologic manifestations of systemic infections 13. Superficial fungal infections 14. Spotted fevers 15. Practice Points: Approach to the acutely febrile patient who has a generalized rash . Management of the foot ulcer . Role of hyberbaric oxygen in the management of gas gangrene THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 16. Generalized and regional lymphadenopathy 17. Practice Points: Management of the solitary enlarged lymph node THE EYE 18. Conjunctivitis, keratitis and infections of periorbital structures 19. Endophthalmitis 20. Infectious retinitis and uveitis 21. Practice Points: Eye problems and the patient in the intensive care unit THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 22. Acute and chronic meningitis 23. Viral infections of the CNS 24. Brain abscess and other focal pyogenic infections 25. Toxin-mediated disorders: tetanus, botulism and diptheria 26. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies of humans and animals 27. Postinfectious and vaccine-related encephalitis 28. Infections in hydrocephalus shunts 29. Neurotropic virus disorders 30. Practice Points: Neuroradiology . Lumbar puncture . Approach to the patient who has fever and headache . Empiric antimicrobial therapy for suspected infection of the central nervous system THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 31. Pharyngitis, laryngitis and epiglottitis 32. Otitis, sinusitis and related conditions 33. Bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis 34. Community-acquired pneumonia 35. Hospital-acquired pneumonia 36. Lung abscesses and pleural abscesses 37. Tuberculosis 38. Nontuberculosis mycobacteria 39. Endemic mycoses 40. Practice Points: Aspiration of pleural fluid: pleural biopsy . Sternotomy wound infection . The pros and cons of antibiotics for pharyngitis and otitis media . When to use corticosteroids in noncentral nervous system tuberculosis . How to manage patient on anti-TB therapy with abnormal liver enzymes . For how long should antibiotics be given for common community infections . The place of antibiotics in the management of COPD . Management of the infected cystic fibrosis patient THE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM 41. Orocervical and esophageal infection 42. Gastritis, pepic ulceration and related conditions 43. Enteritis, enterocolitis and infectious diarrhea syndromes 44. Antibiotic-associated colitis/diarrhea 45. Whipples disease 46. Parasitic infections of the gastrointestinal tract 47. Perionitis, pancreatitis and intra-abdominal abscesses 48. Viral hepatitis 49. Hepatobiliary infections 50. Practice Points: Management of and outbreak of gastroenteritis . Management of persistent postinfectious diarrhea . Antibiotics in infectious gastroentiritis or diarrhea BONE AND JOINTS 51. Infective and reactive arthritis 52. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis 53. Infections of prosthetic joints and related problems 54. Lyme disease 55. Practice Points: Fever and arthralgia . How long should osteomyelitis be treated . Management if chronic infection in prosthetic joints BLOODSTREAM, HEART AND VESSELS 56. Sepsis 57. Infections associated with intravascular lines, grafts and devices 58. Myocarditis and pericarditis 59. Endocarditis and endarteritis 60. Rheumatic fever 61. Practice Points: Role of white cell scans for deep-seated sepsis . Should infected intravascular lines be removed? OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGICAL INFECTIONS 62. Vaginitis, vulvitis and cervicitis and cutaneous vulval lesions 63. Infections of the female pelvis including septic abortion 64. Complications of pregnancy: maternal perspectives 65. Implications for the fetus of maternal infections in pregnancy 66. Practice Points: Management of an HIV-positive pregnant woman with a positive VDRL test from an area endemic for Treponoma infection . Treatment of a positive toxoplasma titer in pregnancy . A pregnant patient with a previous pregnancy complicated by group B streptococcal disease . Management of pregnant patient with varicella infection URINARY TRACT 67. Cystitis and urethral syndromes 68. Prostatitis, epididymitis and orchitis 69. Pyelonephritis and abscesses of the kidney 70. Complicated urinary infection including postsurgical and catheter-related infections 71. Tuberculosis of the urogenital tract 72. Practice Points: Asymptomatic urinary infection in women with diabetes mellitus . Management of persistent symptoms of prostatitis . Urinary tract infection in a 24-year-old woman with spinal cord injury and indwelling catheter SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 73. Epidemiology and public health issues in STDs 74. Gonococcal and chlamydial urethritis 75. Syphilis 76. Genital herpes 77. Papillomavirus infections 78. Lymphogranuloma venerum, chancroid and granuloma inguinale 79. Practice Points: Persistent/recurrent vaginal discharge . A couple with difficulty conceiving: is it due to previous sexually transmitted diseases? Section 3: Special Problems in Infectious Disease Practice 80. Pathogenesis of fever 81. Clinical approach to the acutely febrile patient 82. Fever of unknown origin in the general population and in HIV-infected person 83. Healthcare associated infections 84. ICU infections 85. Infection in burn patients 86. Infective complications after trauma and surgery 87. Hospital infection control 88. Employee health service 89. Recreational infections 90. Occupational infections 91. Infections from pets 92. Infections from non-domesticated animals 93. Food- and water-borne infections 94. Chronic fatigue 95. Psychological aspects of chronic fatigue and other infectious diseases 96. Practice Points: Management of candiduria in the intensive care unit . Management of fever that relapses and remits . Infections associated with near drowning . Initial management of a suspected outbreak . Prophylactic antibodies for animal bites . Management of Health care worker exposed to TB . Management of a healthcare worker exposed to varicella Section 4: Infections in the Immunocompromised Host Introduction 97. Innate and acquired host defenses against infection 98. Primary immunodeficiency syndromes 99. Immunodeficiencies associated with immunosupressive agents 100. Infections in the neutropenic patient 101. Infections in transplant patients (cellular and immune defects) 102. Opportunistic fungal infections 103. Opportunistic viral infections 104. Opportunistic parasitic infections 105. Splenectomy and splenic dysfunctions 106. Bone marrow.stem cell transplant patients 107. Heart transplant patients 108. Lung and heart-lung transplant patients 109. Liver transplant patients 110. Kidney transplant patients 111. Pancreas transplant patients 112. Intestinal transplant patients 113. Patients with auto-immune disease 114. Passive and active immunisation in the immunocompromised host Section 5: HIV and AIDS 115. Epidemiology of HIV infection PREVENTION 116. Prevention of HIV transmission through behavioral change and sexual means 117. Preventing occupational infections with HIV in the health care environment 118. Research and development for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection and AIDS 119. Practice Point: Postexposure prophylaxis in the occupational setting PATHOGENESIS 120. The immunopathogenesis of HIV-1 infection 121. Virology of HIV CLINICAL PRESENTATION 122. Primary HIV infection 123. Prevention of opportunistic infections in the presence of HIV infection 124. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 125. Viral infection 126. Fungal infection 127. Parasitic infections 128. Bacterial infections in HIV disease 129. Mycobacterial Infections in HIV 130. Neoplastic disease 131. HIV-associated wasting and nutrition 132. Dermatologic manifestations of HIV infection 133. HIV-AIDS-related problems in developing countries AIDS IN WOMEN AND INFANTS 134. Pediatric AIDS 135. Special problems in women with HIV disease 136. Practice Point: Diagnosis of HIV in newborns DIAGNOSIS 137. Diagnostic tests for HIV infection and reistance assays HIV THERAPY 138. Principles of management (in the developed world) 139. Antiviral therapy 140. Immunobased therapies 141. Practice Points: How to manage a patient who has resistant HIV . Drug interactions in HIV and AIDS . How to manage the Hep-C co-infected HIV patient . How to manage hyperlipidemia in the HIV patient . How to manage the HIV patient who is resistant to everything Section 6: Geographic and Travel Medicine 142. Geography of infectious diseases 143. Pretravel advice and immunization SYNDROMES IN THE RETURNED TRAVELER 144. Diarrhea and foodborne illness 145. Fever 146. Confusion and coma 147. Skin ulcers and rashes 148. Sexually transmitted diseases 149. Jaundice 150. Eosinophilia in the returned traveller 151. Cough and respiratory tract infections 152. Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and anemia 153. Animal bites and rabies MAJOR TROPICAL SYNDROMES: SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE 154. Leprosy 155. Ectoparasites 156. Endemic treponematoses MAJOR TROPICAL SYNDROMES: THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 157. African trypanosomiasis 158. Other parasitic infections of the central nervous systems 159. Epidemic bacterial meningitis 160. Eye infections in the tropics MAJOR TROPICAL SYNDROMES: THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT 161. Secretory diarrheas: cholera and enterotoxicgenic Escherichia coli 162. Tropical malabsorption and sprue 163. Typhoid fever 164. Amebiasis and other protozoan infections 165. Ova, cysts and parasites in the stool MAJOR TROPICAL SYNDROMES: SYSTEMIC INFECTIONS 166. Malaria 167. Schistosomiasis 168. Cestode and trematode infections 169. Hydatid disease 170. Filariasis 171. Infections in sickle cell disease 172. Leishmaniasis 173. Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) 174. Migrating worms 175. Melioidosis 176. Plague 177. Tularemia 178. Diphtheria 179. Scrub typhus and other tropical rickettsioses 180. Brucellosis 181. Leptospirosis 182. Relapsing fever 183. Viral hemorrhagic fevers 184. Dengue 185. Anthrax 186. Practice Points: Management of the patient who has suspected viral hemorrhagic fever . How to follow up a returned traveller who has swum in Lake Malawi . What are the indications for an exchange transfusion in malaria? . What are the treatment options for a pregnant patient with malaria? . Treatment of Dysentery in a Pregnant Woman Section 7: Anti-Infective Therapy 187. Principles of anti-infective therapy 188. Mechanisms of action 189. Mechanisms of resistance 190. Antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery 191. Home therapy with antibiotics 192. Beta-lactam antibiotics 193. Macrolides, ketolides, lincosamides and streptogramins 194. Oxalolinodones 195. Aminoglycosides 196. Folate inhibitors 197. Quinolones 198. Glycopeptides 199. Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol 200. Nitroimidazoles: metronidazole, ornidazole and tinidazole 201. Antituberculosis agents 202. Miscellaneous agents: fusidic acid, nitrofurantoin and spectinomycin 203. Anti-retroviral agents 204. Anti-herpes agents 205. Anti-respiratory agents 206. Anti-hepatitis agents 207. Antifungal agents 208. Antiparasitic agents 209. Immunomodulation Section 8: Clinical Microbiology VIRUSES 210. Acute gastroenteritis viruses 211. Measles and mumps viruses 212. Enteroviruses: polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses and enteroviruses 68-71 213. Hepatitis viruses 214. Herpevirus 215. Papovaviruses 216. Parvoviruses 217. Poxviruses 218. Rabies 219. Respiratory viruses 220. Retroviruses and retroviral infections 221. Zoonotic viruses PRIONS 222. Prions BACTERIA 223. Staphylococci and other micrococcaceae 224. Streptococci and related genera 225. Aerobic Gram-positive bacilli 226. Neisseria 227. Enterbacteriaceae 228. Pseudomonads and miscellaneous Gram-negative bacilli 229. Curved and spiral bacilli 230. Gram-negative coccobacilli 231. Anaerobic bacteria 232. Mycobacteria 233. Mycoplasma and unreaplasma 234. Rickettsia and rickettsia-like organisms 235. Chlamydia FUNGI 236. Opportunistic fungi 237. Systemic fungi 238. Subcutaneous mycoses 239. Superficial fungal pathogens 240. Pneumocystis PARASITES 241. Protozoa: intestinal and urogenital amebae, flagellates and ciliates 242. Protozoa: intestinal coccidia and microsporidia 243. Protozoa: free-living amebae 244. Blood and tissue protozoa 245. Helminths 246. Arthropods
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