This book is a part of Gyan Abhiyaan (Knowledge Campaign) of FOGSI Cares 2007, aimed to generate a top-class first reference-book in the subject for PG students and practitioners. Written keeping in view the latest concept in the understanding of various obstetrics and gynecological conditions as well as their management, without omitting the basic principles and their applied pathophysiology. The text covers extensively topics like malaria, jaundice and other infections in pregnancy, which are rampant in the developing countries. Management of obstructed labor and the art instrumental delivery are dealt with by the masters of these old and dying skills. The reader is also appraised of the state-of-the-art technology in modern obstetrics and gynecology involving transvaginal ultrasonography, color Doppler, fetal surveillance and intrauterine interventions. The concept of auditing maternal morbidity and mortality has also been introduced to lay a firm foundation of clinical research and promote a logical approach in stead of blindly following the traditional and irrational practices.