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Reference: 11781
Język polski w medycynie
Author: Magdalena Ławnicka-Borońska
A Guide to Polish in Medical Practice
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Część pierwsza podręcznika koncentruje się na powtórzeniu, usystematyzowaniu i poszerzeniu wiedzy z zakresu gramatyki funkcjonalnej, wprowadzeniu leksyki specjalistycznej (części ciała, narządy wewnętrzne, oddziały szpitalne, specjaliści, specjalizacje, personel, leki, opis bólu, choroby i operacje) i wykorzystaniu wiedzy oraz słownictwa w zadaniach rozwijających sprawność mówienia, niezbędną w komunikacji między lekarzem a pacjentem podczas wizyty u lekarza, przyjęcia i pobytu pacjenta w szpitalu, badań fizykalnych, przeprowadzania wywiadu lekarskiego, rodzinnego i środowiskowego.
„The first part of Jak się pani dzisiaj czuje?”, a course book of medical Polish for non-Polish speakers, is intended for students in English-language MD programs who attend Polish courses as part of their studies at Polish universities, for candidates who are planning to study medicine in Polish, and for English-speaking doctors and dentists who are obliged to pass the Polish language exam conducted by the Supreme Medical Chamber (Naczelna Izba Lekarska) in order to practice medi¬cine in Poland. The course book is designed for learners that have already taken about one hundred hours of Polish language classes, know the basics of Polish grammar, and are able to communicate at level A1+ or higher.
Our objective is to revise, systematize and widen the students knowledge of functional grammar, as well as to introduce them to specialized medical vocabula- ry (including terms for body parts and internal organs, hospital wards, specialties and specialists, medical Staff, medication, description of pain, conditions and di- sorders, and surgical procedures). The course book also aims at teaching how to apply this materiał in practice through speaking tasks designed to hone the skills that are crucial in doctor-patient communication in a number of healthcare-related contexts, such as a visit to the doctors office, hospital admission, hospital stay, physical examination, or taking the patienfs past medical history, along with family and social histories.
„Jak się pani dzisiaj czuje? Część 1” serves as an introduction to the second part of our course book series, which is dedicated to doctor-patient communication when dealing with situations related to diseases of particular organ systems on specialty wards.
Data sheet
Reference: 11781
Author: Magdalena Ławnicka-Borońska
A Guide to Polish in Medical Practice
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