This practical and innovative handbook presents the authors unique clinical experience in the assessment and acupuncture treatment of 57 disorders related to the nervous system. This book can be used by doctors with an interest in the treatment of disorders related to the nervous system but who do not practice such therapy themselves, as well as acupuncture practitioners.
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CHAPTER 1:: CRANIAL NERVE DISORDERS:: Olfactory nerve disorders. Optic neuritis. Retinal periphlebitis. Optic atrophy. Myopia. Oculomotor paralysis. Trochlear paralysis. Trigeminal neuralgia. Abducent (lateral rectus) nerve paralysis. Facial paralysis (Bells palsy). Facial tic. Glossopharynegeal neuralgia. Glossopharyngeal paralysis. Accessory nerve paralysis. Vagus nerve paralysis. Hypoglossal paralysis. Sphenopalatine neuralgia. Vestibular neuronitis. CHAPTER 2:: CEREBRAL DISORDERS:: Transient ischaemic attack. Cerebral thrombosis. Cerebral embolism. Cerebral arterosclerosis. Lacunar cerebral infarction. Syringomyelia. Parkinsons disease. Sydenhams chorea (chorea minor). Athetosis. Epilepsy. Hysteria. Menireres syndrome. CHAPTER 3:: CONDITIONS OF THE SPINAL NERVES. Injury of the brachial plexus. Brachial plexus neuropathy. Thoracic outlet syndrome. Long thoracic nerve paralysis. Axillary nerve paralysis. Median nerve paralysis. Ulnar nerve paralysis. Radial nerve paralysis. Superior clunial nerve injury. Obturator nerve paralysis. Sciatica. Tibial nerve paralysis. Paralysis of the common peroneal nerve. Polyneuropathy. CHAPTER 4:: OTHER DISORDERS:: Post-lumbar puncture headache. Radicular cervical spondylosis. Vertebral artery compression syndrome. Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. Cervical spondylosis with sympathetic nerve involvement. Functional disorders. Irritable bowel syndrome. Atypical chest pain. Myasthenia gravis. Periodic paralysis. Phantom limb pain. Traumatic paraplegia. Appendix:: Location of acupuncture points referred to in the book. Bibliography. Index.