It is now well recognized that some individuals who develop COVID-19 will experience persisting symptoms such as sensory and movement challenges, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, cognitive difficulties (difficulty concentrating, multitasking, and brain fog), and many other debilitating changes to the body and mind. Many individuals with persisting COVID-19 symptoms, also known as Long Covid, may additionally experience anxiety and depression while struggling to adjust tochanges to their everyday life and the uncertainty around their symptoms. These adjustment difficulties, anxiety, and depression can lead to poor adherence to medical treatments, contribute to disability, and negatively impact overall quality of life. Drawing from existing evidence-based interventions, and their experience treating clients with COVID-19, the authors have developed a set of cognitive behavioral strategies to help clients with persisting symptoms of COVID-19 manage co-occurring anxiety, depression, and adjustment difficulties. Self-assessments, homework exercises, and interactive forms help clients to become an active participant in their own treatment, whilst also monitoring progress and keeping a record of symptoms. Thisworkbook will be an indispensable resource for individuals who wish to effectively manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.