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Core Interpersonal Skills for Healthcare Professionals
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Essential guide to better communication in practice
Communication is a core skill for all healthcare professionals, regardless of their specific discipline. The fifth edition of Communication:: Core Interpersonal Skills for Healthcare Professionals provides a comprehensive introduction that will be invaluable for students undertaking any training program in health.
The book guides students toward an understanding of all the basic communication techniques and skills they will need in practice. They will learn to develop self-awareness about the impact their words and actions might have on others, use a person-centred model to reconstruct their communication style and approach, and then apply their new knowledge and skills to real-life scenarios.
Easy to read and logically ordered over four sections, this book will guide students towards developing lifelong communication skills that will ultimately enable optimal person-centred care, successful therapeutic relationships and positive patient outcomes.
Data sheet
- Publication date
- 2024
- Issue number
- 5
- Cover
- paperback
- Dimensions (mm)
- 191 x 235
Section One The Significance of Effective Interpersonal Communication in the Healthcare Professional
Chapter One Effective communication for healthcare professionals: A model to guide communication
Chapter Two The overarching goal of communication for healthcare professionals: Person-centred Care
Chapter Three The specific goals of communication for healthcare professionals: 1 Introductions and providing information
Chapter Four The specific goals of communication for healthcare professionals: 2 Questioning, comforting and confronting
Chapter Five The specific goals of communication for healthcare professionals: 3 Effective conclusions of interactions and services: Negotiating closure
Section Two Achieving Effective Communication by Developing Awareness within the Healthcare Professional
Chapter Six Awareness of and the need for reflective practice in healthcare communication
Chapter Seven Awareness of self to enhance healthcare communication
Chapter Eight Awareness of how personal assumptions affect healthcare communication
Chapter Nine Awareness of the whole ‘Person/s’ for healthcare communication
Chapter Ten Awareness of the effects of non-verbal communication for the healthcare professional
Chapter Eleven Awareness of listening to facilitate Person/s-centred communication in healthcare
Chapter Twelve Awareness of the effects of different environments upon healthcare communication
Section Three Managing the Realities of Communication as a Healthcare Professional
Chapter Thirteen Holistic Communication contributing to holistic healthcare
Chapter Fourteen Effective interpersonal communication within multidisciplinary teams
Chapter Fifteen Managing conflict when communicating as a healthcare professional
Chapter Sixteen Culturally responsive communication to accommodate cultural diversity in healthcare
Chapter Seventeen Communicating with Indigenous Peoples as a healthcare professional
Chapter Eighteen Misunderstandings and communication for the healthcare professional
Chapter Nineteen Ethical communication in healthcare
Chapter Twenty Remote or long-distance healthcare communication: 1 The unseen healthcare professional
Chapter 21 Remote telecommunication or telehealth: 2 The seen, but not-in-the-room healthcare professional
Chapter 22 Documentation: ‘one-way’ professional healthcare communication
Chapter 23 Social media or ‘not present in person’ communication and the healthcare professional
Section Four Scenarios to Guide Communication: Opportunities for the Healthcare Professional to Practise Communicating Effectively with ‘the Person/s’
Chapter 24 Person/s experiencing strong negative emotions
Chapter 25 Person/s in particular stages of the lifespan
Chapter 26 Person/s fulfilling particular life roles
Chapter 27 Person/s experiencing particular conditions
Chapter 28 Person/s in particular contexts
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