Part III of Vascular Diseases in the revised series Handbook of Clinical Neurology completes this three-volume set. In this volume chapters are included on various rare disorders, such as moyamoya disease, Takayasus disease and Sneddons syndrome. Rehabilitation after stroke, stroke and drugs and neurological intensive care are also addressed in authoritative detail. Vascular Diseases is essential to all researchers working in this important field. Full content listings of all the volumes in the set can be obtained upon request from the Publisher.
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Foreword. List of Contributors. Chapter 1. Primary subarachnoid hemorrhage (J.F. Toole, M. Robinson and M. Mercuri). Chapter 2. Intracranial arterial aneurysms - a surgical perspective (G.G Ferguson). Chapter 3. Cerebellar vascular syndromes (J. Marshall). Chapter 4. Vascular disorders of the spinal cord (J.T. Hughes). Chapter 5. Ophthalmic aspects of cerebrovascular disease (B.T. Troost). Chapter 6. Otological aspects of cerebrovascular disease (R.W. Baloh). Chapter 7. Behavioral disturbances in cerebrovascular disease (R. Freeman, D. Bear and M.S. Greenberg). Chapter 8. Cardiac arrhythmias in stroke (J.W. Norris). Chapter 9. Heart disease and stroke (A.C. Breuer and G.R. Kilgo). Chapter 10. Non-cardiac sources of cerebral embolism: fat and air emboli (W.E. Kozachuk, W.W. Shtybel and J.P. Conomy). Chapter 11. Neurological intensive care (A.H. Ropper). Chapter 12. Rehabilitation after stroke (D.T. Wade and R. Langton Hewer). Chapter 13. The determination of neurological death (G.F. Molinari). Chapter 14. Malignant atrophic papulosis (Kohlmeier-Degos disease)(E.S. Roach). Chapter 15. Fibromuscular dysplasia of the cephalic arterial system (B.A. Sandok). Chapter 16. Moyamoya disease (K. Kitamura, M. Fukui, K. Oka, T. Matsushima, T. Kurokawa and K. Hasuo). Chapter 17. Thromgangitis obliterans (Von Winiwarter-Buerger) (K.-J. Zülch and P. Pilz)l. Chapter 18. Diffuse meningocerebral angiomatosis and leuchoencephalopathy (J.-P.G. Vonsattel and E.T. Hedley-Whyte). Chapter 19. Homocystinuria (J.-P.G. Vonsatell and E.T. Hedley-Whyte). Chapter 20. Takayasus disease (T.P. Bleck). Chapter 21. Cranial arteritis (M.Mumenthaler). Chapter 22. Polyarteritis nodosa and other systemic vasculitides (M.M. Brown and M. Swash). Chapter 23. Systemic lupus erythematosus (M.M. Brown and M. Swash). Chapter 24. Non-infectious granulomatous angiitis of the central nervous system (J. Biller and H.P. Adams, Jr.). Chapter 25. Sneddons syndrome (R.P.M. Bruyn). Chapter 26. Cerebrovascular manifestions of infectious disease (P.M. Dalal and K.P. Dalal). Chapter 27. Congenital cutaneovascular syndromes (E.S. Roach). Chapter 28. Haematologial causes of cerebrovascular disease (R.W. Ross Russell and J.P.H. Wade). Chapter 29. Hyperviscosity syndromes (E. Ott). Chapter 30. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (R.J. Schwartzman). Chapter 31. Sickle cell anemia, sickle cell trait, and thalassemia (R.J. Adams and F.T. Nichols). Chapter 32. Stroke and drugs (J.C.M. Brust). Index.