Continuing in the tradition of the popular Secrets Q&A format, this thoroughly revised and expanded edition includes new chapters on Laparoscopic Surgery for Genitourinary Tumors and well as Cystocele and Rectocele. New developments in disease processes, operative techniques, technological advances, and office practice are sure to enlighten physicians, residents, and students alike.
I. PATIENT EVALUATION 1. Physical Examination 2. Instrumentation and Endoscopy 3. Urinalysis and Urine Function Studies 4. Intravenous Urography and Angiography 5. Ultrasonography 6. Computed Tomography 7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 8. Radionuclide Studies 9. Renal Mass Evaluation 10. Abdominal Masses in Children 11. Evaluation of Acute Scrotal Swelling in Children 12. Evaluation of Acute Renal Failure 13. Evaluation of Hydronephrosis in Children 14 Impotence 15. Infertility 16. Neurogenic Bladder
II. BENIGN AND MALIGNANT TUMORS OF THE GENITOURINARY TRACT 17. Renal Cell Carcinoma 18. Pheochromocytoma 19. Primary Aldosteronism 20. Adrenal Cortical Adenoma and Carcinoma 21. Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Renal Pelvis 22. Wilms Tumor 23. Neuroblastoma 24. Benign Tumors of the Kidney 25. Retroperitoneal Tumors 26. Urethral Tumors 27. Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder 28. Carcinoma of the Prostate 29. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 30. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Penis 31. Premalignant Lesions of the Penis 32. Urethral Cancer 33. Testicular Tumors in Adults 34. Testicular Tumors in Children 35. Laparascopic Surgery for Genitourinary Tumors
III. CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED DISEASE 36. Congenital Renal Cystic Disease 37. Cushings Syndrome 38. Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease 39. Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney 40. Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction 41. Vesicoureteral Reflux 42. Ureterocele 43. Stress Urinary Incontinence 44. Vesicovaginal Fistula 45. Exstrophy of the Bladder 46 Acquired Urethral Stricture 47. Posterior and Anterior Urethral Valves 48. Urethral Diverticulum in Females 49. Hypospadias 50 Epispadias 51. Interlabial Masses 52. End-Stage Renal Disease and Renal Transplantation 53. Renal Artery Disease 54. Ambiguous Genitalia 55. Cryptorchidism 56. Scrotal Mass in Adults 57. Varicocele 58. Pelvic Organ Prolapse 59. Prostate Biopsy 60. Vasectomy
IV. INFLAMMATION AND INFECTION 61. Acute Pyelonephritis 62. Renal and Perirenal Abscess 63. Renal Tuberculosis 64. Retroperitoneal Fibrosis 65. Interstitial Cystitis 66. Prostatitis 67. Urinary Tract Infection in Adult Females 68. Urinary Tract Infections in Children 69. Epididymitis 70. Scrotal Abscess 71. Gonococcal and Nongonococcal Urethritis 72. Sexually Transmitted Diseases