This is a concise revision guide to the core basic sciences for all surgical trainees preparing for the MRCS examination. Covering anatomy, physiology and pathology it concentrates on the recurring themes of these topics in the examination and emphasises the essential knowledge require by the candidate. It is designed for rapid revision prior to sitting the examination, written in an accessible style and indicating the clinical relevance of the topics.
The thorax The abdomen, pelvis and perineum The upper limb and breast The lower limb The head, neck and spine The nervous system
II Physiology
General physiology Respiratory system Cardiovascular system Gastrointestinal system Genitourinary system Endocrine system Nervous and locomotor systems
III Pathology
Cellular injury Disorders of growth, morphogenesis and differentiation Inflammation Thrombosis, embolism and infarction Neoplasia Immunology Haemopoietic and lymphoreticular system Basic microbiology Systems-specific pathology