Recognized authorities in anesthesiology and surgical critical care present you with todays best management approaches for achieving optimal perioperative outcomes. They review the potential risks to all major organ systems by examining the incidence and significance of organ dysfunction...assessing the etiology of particular organ dysfunctions...defining the preoperative and intraoperative risk factors...and offering perioperative protection strategies to minimize potential complications. A consistent chapter format - combined with color-coded algorithms, summary tables and boxes - enable you to quickly locate specific guidance.
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hard cover
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216 x 276
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PART I: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 01. Implications of Perioperative Morbidity on Long-Term Outcomes, Lee A. Fleisher and Mark F. Newman 02. Ischemia and Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Organ Injury, Mitchell P. Fink 03. The Inflammatory Response in Organ Injury, Benjamin Kohl and Clifford S. Deutschman 04. The Coagulation Cascade in Perioperative Organ Injury, M. S. Carraway and Claude PiantidosiPART II: PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT 05. The Value of Preoperative Assessment, Stanlkey H. Rosenbaum and David G. Silverman 06. Cardiac Risk Assessment in Noncardiac Surgery, Edward Kwon, Lee A. Fleisher, and Kim Eagle 07. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Cardiac Surgery, Robert G. Johnson 08. Central Nervous System Risk Assessment, Katja Hindler and Nancy Nussmeier 09. Renal Risk Assessment, Christina Mora-Mangano,Charles C. Hill, and John L. Chow 10. Pulmonary Risk Assessment, Maurizio Cereda 11. Hematologic Risk Assessment, Carlos Marcucci, Pierre-Guy Chassot, Lars M. Asmis, and Donat R. SpahnPART III: PRESERVATION OF ORGAN FUNCTION AND PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PERIOPERATIVE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 12. Prevention of Ischemic Injury in Cardiac Surgery, Matthew Agnew, Christopher Salerno, and Edward D. Verrier 13. Prevention of Ischemic Injury in Noncardiac Surgery, Don Poldermans 14. Treatment of Perioperative Ischemia, Infarction, and Ventricular Failure in Cardiac Surgery, Brian Lima and Carmelo A. Milano 15. Perioperative Management of Valvular Heart Disease, Igor Izrailtyan and Joseph P. Mathew 16. Prevention and Management of Perioperative Dysrhythmias, Martin Slodzinski RENAL SYSTEM 17. Preservation of Renal Function, Mark Stafford-Smith 18. Treatment of Acute Oliguria, John A. Kellum 19. Perioperative Management of the Patient with Renal Failure, Per-Olof Jarnberg PULMONARY SYSTEM 20. Prevention and Treatment of Pulmonary Dysfunction, Christine A. Doyle, and Ronald G. Pearl CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 21. Carotid and Intracranial Surgery, Frederick W. Lombard,Michael L. James, John C. Keifer, David McDonagh, David Warner, and Cecil O. Borel 22. Protecting the Central Nervous System during Surgery, Hilary P. Grocott 23. Preservation of Spinal Cord Function, Michael M. McGarvey, Albert T. Cheung 24. Perioperative Management of Acute Central Nervous System Injury, W. Andrew Kofke GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM 25. Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal MorbidityDuane Funk and Tong J. Gan HEMATOLOGY AND COAGULATION 26. Prevention and Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism, Jagajan Karmacharya and Edward Y. Woo 27. Perioperative Management of Bleeding and Transfusion, Steven E. Hil and Richard C. DAlonzo INFECTIONS 28. Prevention of Perioperative and Surgical Site Infection, Carlene A. Muto and Marian Pokrywska OBSTETRIC 29. Perioperative Protection of the Pregnant Woman, Theodore G. Cheek 30. Preservation of Fetal Viability in Noncardiac Surgery, Robert R. Gaiser and Mary K. McHughPART IV: EARLY POSTOPERATIVE CARE SPECIFIC OPERATIONS 31. Cardiac Surgery, G. Burkhard Mackensen 32. General Thoracic Surgery, Todd W. Sarge and Alan Lisbon 33. Major Abdominal Surgery, Patrick J. Neligan and Jacob Gutsche 34. Major Orthopaedic Surgery, Babak Sarani, David T. Huang, and Robin West 35. Solid Organ Transplantation, David C. Kaufman and Carolyn E. Jones 36. Multisystem Trauma, Patrick K. Kim.and Patrick M. Reilly 37. Neurosurgery, Michael L. James and Cecil O. Borel SPECIFIC PROBLEMS 38. Sepsis and Septic Shock, Michael D. Malinzak and Laura E. Niklason 39. Acute Respiratory Failure, S. Rob Todd Gary A. Vercruysse,, and Frederick A. Moore 40. Endocrine and Electrolyte Disorders, Eugene W. Moretti, and Duane Funk 41. Pain, Delirium, and Anxiety, Winston C. V. Parris and Lesco RogersPART V: CONFLICTING OUTCOMES 42. Economic Analysis of Perioperative Optimization, Tom Archer,Steve Mannis, and .Alex Maccario 43. Pay for Performance: An Incentive for Better Outcomes, Ronald A. Gabel