Holes Human Anatomy and Physiology was created for the introductory level student and assumes no prior science knowledge by placing emphasis on the fundamentals. This new edition updates a great A&P classic while offering greater efficiencies to the user. The format of the 12th edition focuses on Learning Outcomes and Assessments.
Unit One:: Levels of Organization 1. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology 2. Chemical Basis of Life 3. Cells 4. Cellular Metabolism 5. Tissues Unit Two:: Support and Movement 6. Integumentary System 7. Skeletal System 8. Joints of the Skeletal System 9. Muscular System Unit Three:: Integration and Coordination 10. Nervous System I:: Basic Structure and Function 11. Nervous System II:: Divisions of the Nervous System 12. Nervous System III:: Senses 13. Endocrine System Unit Four:: Transport 14. Blood 15. Cardiovascular System 16. Lymphatic System and Immunity Unit Five:: Absorption and Excretion 17. Digestive System 18. Nutrition and Metabolism 19. Respiratory System 20. Urinary System 21. Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Unit Six:: The Human Life Cycle 22. Reproductive Systems 23. Pregnancy, Growth, and Development 24. Genetics and Genomics