Engaging clients in occupation and activities to promote health and well-being is a fundamental principle of occupational therapy. The fourth edition of The Texture of Life clearly defines the importance of occupation and describes the relationship between occupations and their related activities. This text describes occupational therapy's foundation in occupations and activities through in-depth exploration of topics such as theoretical perspectives; activity analysis; clinical reasoning; leisure, work, self-care, and care of others; spirituality; and empowerment. Aligned with the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health , this text updates ideas that are foundational to the occupational therapy profession and that support clinical reasoning and practice. Chapters reflect a major change in the profession, as occupational therapy practitioners have begun endorsing the term occupation and using the terms activities and purposeful activities less frequently. Throughout the work, case examples and exercises challenge students and experienced practitioners alike to think through the clinical reasoning process as they are guided through examples of occupation-based interventions, helping them transfer new knowledge into actual practice.