Clinicians and students on placement often need quick easy-to-access information when using an electrophysical agent (EPA) such as ultrasound, hot and cold packs, TENS machines etc in the clinic. Questions such as how high should the setting be? How long for? What are the contra-indications? are often baffling to students on placement and to those practitioners who arent specialists in these techniques but are using them as supplements to what they do day-to-day. This book comprises easy-access guidance for clinicians using EAPs. Typical situations and occasions when this book will be required by a clinician include for the following:: Selecting a modality when treating a patient with a particular condition/treatment aim, finding alternative ways of applying an EPA, justifying the use of a particular EPA for a clinical condition, determining evidence-based and appropriate dosages, using newly purchased equipment or EPAs with which the clinician is not familiar, and modifying how they use a modality.