Highly visual with more than 200 beautifully created and animated PowerPoint slides to help neonatal caregivers learn everything from Ballard gestational age assessment to a head-to-toe physical examination and immediate stabilization of neonates with various surgical, cardiac, and medical conditions including omphalocele, gastroschisis, tracheoesophageal fistula, midgut volvulus, coarctation of the aorta, subgaleal hemorrhage, and more. The slides are divided into 3 parts and provide a very thorough review of the neonate from head to toe. Part 1:: Gestational age assessment based on the Ballard scoring system (64 slides). Part 2:: Physical Exam (171 slides) Growth, Vital Signs, Skin, Head Part 3:: Physical Exam (174 slides) Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Chest and Lungs, Heart, Abdomen, Genitourinary, Musculoskeletal. Other contents:: PDF handouts for all of the module slides Detailed Neonatal Physical Exam Worksheet to help students learn the elements of a complete physical exam (PDF).