A comprehensive, full-colour text and workbook covering the physiology of the pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal systems. Chapters include learning objectives, review questions, and clinical case studies.
I. The Respiratory System 1. The Conducting Airways and Alveoli 2. The Lungs, Chest Wall and Respiratory Muscles 3. Mechanics of Ventilation 4. Ventilation 5. Pulmonary function Measurements 6. Pulmonary Blood Flow 7. Gas Diffusion 8. Oxygen Equilibrium and Transport 9. Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium and Transport 10. Acid-Base Regulation 11. Control of Ventilation 12. Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships and Arterial Blood Gases 13. Clinical Assessment of Acid-Base and Oxygenation Status II. The Cardiovascular System 14. Functional Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System 15. Cardiac Electrophysiology 16. The Electrocardiogram and Cardiac Arrhythmias 17. Control of Cardiac Output and Hemodynamics III. Integrated Function in Exercise 18. Cardiopulmonary Response to Exercise in Health, Disease, and Aging IV. The Renal System 19. Renal Regulation of Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance Appendices Symbols and Abbreviations Used in Cardiopulmonary Physiology * Units of Measure * Equation Derivations * DuBois Body Surface Area Chart * Answers to Concept Questions