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Acute Psychiatric Emergencies

Acute Psychiatric Emergencies

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An essential guide to the emergency treatment of mental health crises

Hospital emergency departments are encountering increasing numbers of patients in mental health crises and the number continues to rise year on year. Despite these challenges, very few practitioners are trained specifically to deal with mental health crises.

Acute Psychiatric Emergencies (APEx) meets this need with a course designed jointly by leading psychiatry and emergency medicine specialists with years of practical experience. It will help in any crisis setting be it in the emergency department, ward, clinic or in the community.

APEx provides a structured approach for the assessment and management of acute mental health emergencies, discusses common presentations, as well as legal frameworks and human factors. Now fully updated to reflect new guidelines and expanded treatment of key subjects, it is an invaluable resource for any practitioner involved in the provision of psychiatric care at any point in the healthcare pathway.

Readers of the second edition of Acute Psychiatric Emergencies will also find::

  • Detailed discussion of topics including organic causes for behavioural disturbances, special circumstances and more
  • Updated algorithms and figures for improved accessibility
  • An emphasis on close cooperation between emergency and mental health teams

APEx is ideal for emergency physicians, psychiatrists, emergency and mental health nurses, paramedics and other crisis care professionals.

Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) is an organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the healthcare pathway, anywhere in the world. A leading medical education charity, ALSG has delivered advanced life support training to over 225,000 clinicians in 44 countries.

Product Details

Data sheet

Publication date
Issue number
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
168 x 240
  • Contributors to second edition ix

    Preface to second edition x

    Preface to first edition xii

    Acknowledgments xiii

    Contact details and website information xiv

    How to use your textbook xv

    Part 1 1

    1 Structured approach to acute psychiatric emergencies 3

    2 Primary unified assessment and immediate psychiatric management 9

    3 Secondary physical and psychosocial assessment 23

    4 Mental state examination 29

    5 Commonly encountered psychiatric presentations 37

    Part 2 41

    6 The patient who has harmed themselves 43

    7 Organic causes for behavioural disturbances 67

    8 The apparently intoxicated patient 81

    9 The acutely confused patient 93

    10 The aggressive patient 109

    11 Special considerations 131

    Part 3 143

    12 Legal aspects of emergency psychiatry 145

    13 Getting it right: non- technical skills 153

    14 The patient experience 169

    Working group for second edition 173

    Working group for first edition 174

    Contributors to first edition 176

    References and further reading 177

    Index 183

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