The Sixth Edition of Charney and Nestlers Neurobiology of Mental Illness builds on previous editions of the book and reflects the continuing progress in reintegrating psychiatry into the mainstream of modern biomedical science. This reintegration remains a work in progress, based on the unique complexity of the brain and its diseases. Yet, the research tools that are transforming other branches of medicine-epidemiology, genetics, epigenetics, molecular and cell biology,imaging, and medicinal chemistry, along with fundamental advances in the neurosciences that make it possible to decipher cell types and their larger circuits to an unprecedented degree, are now at long last transforming psychiatry. Collectively, the 75 chapters in this newly renovated textbook describe the developments in genetics and in molecular, cellular, and systems neuroscience that are breaking new ground in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disabling psychiatric disorders. In this updated edition, Section 1 focuses on the major methodological approaches to studying the biological basis of mental illness. Sections 2 through 8 each focus on a major class of mental illness, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety and trauma disorders, substance use disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, and childhood psychiatry disorders. The final section is a collection of essays that address what can be expected over the next decade in terms of improving psychiatric diagnosis, achieving a true precision approach to treating mental illness, along with new avenues of medication and non-medication therapies in the offing.
SECTION 1: EMERGING AND ESTABLISHED TECHNOLOGIES; Section Editors: Eric J. Nestler and Kafui Dzirasa; 1. Genetic Methodologies and Applications; Ben Neale; 2. Multiscale Network Approaches to Decode the Complexity; of Common Human Diseases; Minghui Wang, Yiyuan Liu, Eric Schadt, and Bin Zhang; 3. The Role of the Epigenome in Brain Development, Function, and Disease; Schahram Akbarian, John F. Fullard, Kiran Girdhar, and Panos Roussos; 4. Methods for In Vivo Gene Manipulation; Lisa M. Monteggia and Wei Xu; 5. Application of Stem Cells to Understanding; Psychiatric Disorders; Marcella, Burtele, Giorgia Quadrato, and Kristen Brennand; 6. Optogenetics and Related Technologies for Psychiatric Disease Research: Current Status and Challenges; Lief E. Fenno and Karl Deisseroth; 7. Methods for In Vivo Circuit Analysis; Micah Johnson, Yassine Filali, Radha Velamuri, Kafui Dzirasa, and Rainbo Hultman; 8. Magnetic Resonance Methodologies; Hanzhang Lu and Peter A. Bandettini; 9. PET Brain Imaging Methodologies; Ansel Hillmer, Kelly P. Cosgrove, and Richard E. Carson; 10. Neuromodulation and Psychiatric Disorders; Andrew Smith, Martijn Figee, and Helen Mayberg; SECTION 2: SCHIZOPHRENIA; Section Editors: Judy Ford and Dan Mathalon; 11. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Schizophrenia; Julie Walsh-Messinger, Ariella Farzan Nikou, and Dolores Malaspina; 12. Genetics of Schizophrenia; Sophie E. Legge, Antonio F. Pardi?as, and Michael C. ODonovan; 13. Neuroimaging and Circuit Mechanisms of Schizophrenia; Neil D. Woodward, Stephan Heckers, Dost Ongur, and Julia M. Sheffield; 14. Animal and Cellular Models for the Study of Schizophrenia; Joshua A. Gordon; 15. Neural and Circuit Mechanisms of Schizophrenia; Samuel J. Dienel and David A. Lewis; 16. Glial-Immune Mechanisms of Schizophrenia: Animal and Human Studies; Kowsar Teymouri, Mahbod Ebrahimi, Jennie G. Pouget, and James L. Kennedy; 17. Translational Models for Psychotic Symptoms; Phil Corlett; 18. Current Treatments for Schizophrenia; Donald C. Goff; 19. Novel Approaches for Treating Schizophrenia; Steve M. Paul and Alan Breier; SECTION 3: BIPOLAR DISORDER; Section Editor: Alex Charney; 20. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Bipolar Disorder; Kathleen R. Merikangas and Emma K. Stapp; 21. Genetics of Bipolar Disorder; Dongjing Liu and Niamh Mullins; 22. Neuroimaging and Circuit Mechanisms of Bipolar Disorder; E. Kale Edmiston, Michele A. Bertocci, Merage Ghane-Ezabadi, and Mary L. Phillips; 23. Animal and Cellular Models for the Study of Bipolar Disorder; Michael J. McCarthy and Jared W. Young; 24. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Bipolar Disorder: Animal and Human Studies; Colleen A. McClung and Hilary P. Blumberg; 25. Current Treatments for Bipolar Disorder; Nicole W. Simons and Alexander W. Charney; 26. Novel Approaches for Treating Bipolar Disorder; Nefize Yalin, Allan H. Young, and Carlos A. Zarate, Jr.; SECTION 4: DEPRESSION; Section Editor: John Krystal; 27. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Depression; James W. Murrough; 28. Genetics of Depression; Daniel Levey and Joel Gelernter; 29. Neuroimaging and Circuit Mechanisms of Depression; Adrienne L. Romer, Michele A. Bertocci, Mary L. Phillips, and Diego A. Pizzagalli; 30. Animal Models for the Study of Depression; Lyonna F. Parise, Astrid M. Cardona-Acosta, Eric M. Parise, and Carlos A. Bola?os-Guzman; 31. Neurotrophic Mechanisms of Depression: Animal and Human Studies; Lisa M. Monteggia; 32. Glial-Immune Mechanisms of Depression: Animal and Human Studies; Georgia E. Hodes, Caroline Menard, Madeline L. Pfau, and Scott J. Russo; 33. Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Depression: Animal and Human Studies; Elisabeth B. Binder and Jan M. Deussing; 34. Current Treatments for Depression; Maurizio Fava and John Krystal; 35. Novel Approaches for Treating Depression; Eric J. Nestler, Dennis S. Charney, John H. Krystal, and James W. Murrough; SECTION 5: ANXIETY AND TRAUMA-RELATED DISORDERS; Section Editor: Kerry J. Ressler; 36. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Trauma- and Other Stress-Related Disorders; Murray B. Stein, Meghan E. Keough, and Peter P. Roy-Byrne; 37. Genetics of Anxiety and Trauma-Related Disorders; Sarah E. Benstock and John M. Hettema; 38. Neuroimaging and Circuit Mechanisms of Anxiety and Trauma-Related Disorders; Gregory A. Fonzo; 39. Animal Models for the Study of Anxiety Disorders; Caroline Jia, Hao Li, and Kay Tye; 40. Biological Mechanisms of Anxiety Disorders: Animal and Human Studies; Danielle M. Gerhard, Anfei Li, Francis S. Lee, and Heidi C. Meyer; 41. Biological Mechanisms of Stress Resilience: Animal and Human Studies; Saren H. Seeley, Sarah Boukezzi, Jonathan DePierro, Dennis S. Charney, and Adriana Feder; 42. Current Treatments for Anxiety and Trauma-Related Disorders; Kristin L. Szuhany, Benjamin Feldman, Matteo Malgaroli, and Naomi M. Simon; 43. Novel Approaches for Treating Anxiety and Trauma-Related Disorders; Alfred P. Kaye, Sarah Jefferson, and John H. Krystal; SECTION 6: SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS; Section Editors: Nora Volkow and Yavin Shaham; 44. Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders; Denise B. Kandel, Pamela C. Griesler, Mei-Chen Hu, Philippe A. Melas, Bradley T. Kerridge, and Bridget F. Grant; 45. Genetics of Substance Use Disorders; David Goldman and Danielle Sambo; 46. Neuroimaging and Circuit Mechanisms of Substance Use Disorders; Edythe D. London, Chelsea L. Robertson, and Terry J. Prins; 47. Animal Models for the Study of Substance Use Disorders; Christopher J. Evans, J. David Jentsch, Brigitte L. Kieffer, Rafael J. Maldonado, and Catherine M. Cahill; 48. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Substance Use Disorders: Animal and Human Studies; Kathryn J. Reissner; 49. Brain Development and the Risk for Substance Use Disorders; Sonia G. Ruiz, B.J. Casey, and Arielle Baskin-Sommers; 50. Current Treatments for Substance Use Disorders; Adam DSa, Andrew L. Gaddis, and Eric C. Strain; 51. Novel Approaches for Treating Substance Use Disorders; Matthew L. Banks; SECTION 7: DEMENTIA; Section Editor: Alison M. Goate; 52. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Dementia; William C. Kreisl and Christiane Reitz; 53. Genetics of Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease, and Lewy Body Dementia; Alan E. Renton, Brian Fulton-Howard, Shea J. Andrews, Edoardo Marcora, and Alison M. Goate; 54. Neuroimaging and Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimers Disease; Brian A. Gordon and Suzanne Schindler; 55. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Alzheimers Disease: Animal and Human Studies; Gareth R. Howell and Gregory W. Carter; 56. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Primary Tauopathies: Animal and Human Studies; Shiaoching Gong and Li Gan; 57. Neurobiology of Lewy Body Dementias: Animal and Human Studies; James E. Galvin and Jose Tomas Bras; 58. Current Treatments for Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias; Mary Sano and Judith Neugroschil; 59. Novel Approaches for Treating Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias; M. Catarina Silva, David C. Butler, Sally Temple, and Steve J. Haggarty; SECTION 8: PEDIATRIC PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS; Section Editor: Joseph D. Buxbaum; 60. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders; Magdalena Janecka, Artemis Briasouli, Vahe Khachadourian, and Abraham Reichenberg; 61. Genetics of Pediatric-Onset Psychiatric Disorders; Tess Levy and Joseph D. Buxbaum; 62. Neuroimaging in Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders; Timothy P.L. Roberts and Luke Bloy; 63. Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability: Animal and Human Studies; Alexandra Massa, Jesse Costales, Silvia De Rubeis, Jennifer Foss-Feig, Patrick R, Hof, and Alexander Kolevzon; 64. Neurobiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Animal and Human Studies; Tess Levy and Joseph D. Buxbaum; 65. Neurobiology of Tic Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Animal and Human Studies; Christopher Pittenger; 66. Neurobiology of Eating Disorders: Animal and Human Studies; Thomas Hildebrandt and Annabel Susanin; 67. Current Treatments for Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders; Paige M. Siper, M. Pilar Trelles, Yael Kufert, and Dorothy E. Grice; 68. Novel Approaches for Treating Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders; Niki P. Sabetfakhri and Edwin H. Cook, Jr.; SECTION 9: FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF PSYCHIATRY; Section Editor: Dennis S. Charney; 69. The Present and Future of Psychiatric Diagnoses; Steven E. Hyman; 70. The NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project: Toward Precision Medicine in Psychiatry; Bruce N. Cuthbert; 71. Computational Psychiatry and the Bayesian Brain; Karl J. Friston and Xiaosi Gu; 72. Digital Assessments of Psychiatric Disorders; Rachel E. Quist, Sukanya Bhattacharya, Sarah M. Chacko, and Nicholas C. Jacobson; 73. Digital Therapies of Psychiatric Disorders: Focus on Depression Symptoms; Bruno Biagianti, Mor Nahum, Neta Yitzhak, and Sofia Vinogradov; 74. Psychedelic Drugs as Treatment Agents; Rachel Yehuda, Lauren A. Lepow, Philip A. Bonnano, Tamar Glatman Zaretsky, Josimar Hernandez Antonio, and Kathleen M. Jagodnik; 75. Psychiatrys Past Challenges and Future Opportunities; Ryan E. Lawrence and Jeffrey A. Lieberman;
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