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The Language of Mental Illness: Corpus Linguistics and the Construction of Mental Illness in the Press

The Language of Mental Illness: Corpus Linguistics and the Construction of Mental Illness in the Press

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Mental health is a matter of vital importance in todays society, with the news media reporting on the topic on an almost daily basis. Despite this, the language associated with mental health has to date been relatively under-explored. Using methods from corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, this pioneering book is the first large-scale linguistic investigation of UK news reports on mental illness. Based on a purpose-built corpus of 45 million words of UK press reports on mental illness, it offers a range of analyses exploring language development across time, in addition to focusing on the differences between press representations of specific mental illnesses. The book provides linguistic insights into public perceptions of mental illness, as well as stigma creation and perpetuation in the media. It also includes original and significant methodological innovations, making it a vital resource for researchers for in corpus linguistics, health communication, and the health humanities.
Product Details

Data sheet

Publication date
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hard cover
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
158.00 x 235.00
Weight (g)
  • 1. Introduction; 2. The language of mental illness; 3. Analytical methods; 4. Corpus linguistics; 5. Analytical methods; 6. Critical discourse analysis; 7. Corpus construction; 8. The shifting meaning of mental health and mental illness; 9. Named, labelled and referred to:: people with mental illnesses in the MI 1984-2014 corpus; 10. Suffering illnesses and experiencing symptoms:: ways of talking about having mental illness; 11. Do newspaper reports accurately represent the symptoms of mental illness?; 12. Concluson.
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