Fully revised and expanded, this third edition of the Psychologists Desk Reference includes several new chapters on emerging topics in psychology and incoporates updates from top clinicians and program directors in the field. This classic companion for mental health practioners presents an even larger variety of information required in daily practice in one easy-to-use resource. Covering the entire spectrum of practice issues-from diagnostic codes, practice guidelines, treatment principles, and report checklists, to insight and advice from todays most respected clinicians-this peerless reference gives fingertip access to the whole range of current knowledge. Ideal for use by all mental health professionals, the Desk Reference covers assessment and diagnosis, testing and psychometrics, treatment and psychotherapy, biology and pharmacotherapy, self-help resources, ethical and legal issues, forensic practice, financial and insurance matters, and prevention and cosultation. Chapters have been clearly written by master clinicians and include easy-to-read checklists and tables as well as helpful advice. Filled with information psychologists use everyday, the Psychologists Desk Reference, Third Edition, will be the most important and widely used volume in the library of psychologists, social workers, and counsellors everywhere.
Part I: Assessment and Diagnosis; ; 1. Lifetime Prevalence of Mental Disorders in the General Population; Christie P. Karpiak and Brian A. Zaboski; ; 2. Conducting a Mental Status Examination; Robert W. Baker and Paula T. Trzepacz; ; 3. Improving Diagnostic and Clinical Interviewing; Rhonda S. Karg, Arthur N. Wiens, and Ryan W. Blazei; ; 4. Increasing the Accuracy of Clinical Judgment; David Faust; ; 5. Assessing Suicidal Risk; Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J. T. Vasquez; ; 6. Assessment of Malingering on Psychological Measures; Richard Rogers and Nathan D. Gillard; ; 7. Identifying and Assessing Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Use Disorders; Linda Carter Sobell, Mark B. Sobell, and Sean M. Robinson; ; 8. Interviewing Childrens Caregivers; Carolyn S. Schroeder and Eve-Lynn Nelson; ; 9. Evaluating the Medical Components of Childhood Developmental and; Behavioral Disorders; Nhung T. Tran and James L. Lukefahr; 10. Using the DSM-5 and ICD-11 in Forensic and Clinical Applications; with Children Across Racial and Ethnic Lines; Ronn Johnson; 11. Assessing Strengths in Clinical Practice; Tayyab Rashid ; 12. Evaluating Dementia; Elise Caccappolo; ; 13. Using the International Classification of Diseases System (ICD-10); Michael C. Roberts and Spencer C. Evans; 14. Taking a Clients Sexual History; Judith C. White; 15. Screening for Sexual Offender Risk; David Medoff and Sarah J. Sternlieb; 16. Assessing Personality Disorders; Whitney L. Gore and Thomas A. Widiger; Part II: Psychological Testing; ; 17. Adult Neuropsychological Assessment; Aaron P. Nelson and Margaret OConnor; 18. Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment; Jane Holmes Bernstein, Betsy Kammerer, and Celiane Rey-Casserly; 19. Assessment and Intervention for Executive Dysfunction; Robert M. Roth, Peter K. Isquith, and Gerard A. Gioia; 20. Assessing and Managing Concussion; Gerard A. Gioia; 21. Assessing MMPI-2 Profile Validity; James N. Butcher; 22. Interpreting Clinical Scale Scores on the MMPI-2; John R. Graham; 23. Interpreting Supplementary Scales of the MMPI-2; Roger L. Greene and Lacey M. Sommers; 24. Understanding and Using the MMPI-2-RF; Yossef S. Ben-Porath; 25. Interpreting the Family of Millon Clinical Inventories; Seth Grossman and Theodore Millon; 26. Interpreting Test Scores and Their Percentile Equivalents; Thomas P. Hogan; 27. Locating Information about Psychological Tests and Measures; Thomas P. Hogan; 28. Applying Rorschach Assessment; Irving B. Weiner; 29. Assessing the Quality of a Psychological Testing Report; Gerald P. Koocher and Celiane Rey-Casserly; Part III: Individual Adult Treatment; ; 30. Compendium of Psychotherapy Treatment Manuals; Michael J. Lambert; 31. Compendium of Empirically Supported Treatments; Dianne L. Chambless and E. David Klonsky; 32. Compendium of Treatment Adaptations; John C. Norcross and Bruce E. Wampold; 33. Compendium of Evidence-Based Therapy Relationships; John C. Norcross and Michael J. Lambert; ; 34. Applying the Stages of Change; James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross, and Carlo C. DiClemente; ; 35. Enhancing Patient Adherence to Treatment; M. Robin DiMatteo; ; 36. Treating and Managing Care of the Suicidal Patient; Bruce Bongar and Glenn R. Sullivan; ; 37. Intervening with Clients in Crisis; Kenneth France; ; 38. Treating Borderline Personality Disorder; Kenneth N. Levy; ; 39. Treating Reluctant and Involuntary Clients; Stanley L. Brodsky and Caroline Titcomb; ; 40. Conducting Motivational Interviewing; Theresa B. Moyers and Daniel J. Fischer ; 41. Assessing and Treating ADHD; Robert J. Resnick; 42. Assessment and Treatment of Anger as a Clinical Problem; Raymond DiGiuseppe; 43. Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunctions; Leonard R. Derogatis and Lori A. Brotto; 44. Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunctions; Leonard R. Derogatis and Lori A. Brotto; 45. Working with Patients at Risk for HIV and other STDs; Michael P. Carey and Peter A. Vanable; 46. Treating Women in Psychotherapy; Laura S. Brown; 47. Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients; Kristin A. Hancock; ; 48. Practicing Psychotherapy with Older Adults; Brian D. Carpenter and Bob G. Knight; ; 49. Managing Sexual Feelings for Patients in Psychotherapy; Kenneth S. Pope; ; 50. Improving Completion of Therapeutic Homework; Michael A. Tompkins; ; 51. Conducting Evaluations of Client Outcomes and Satisfactions; Michael J. Lambert and Kara Cattani; ; 52. Repairing Ruptures in the Therapeutic Alliance; Jeremy D. Safran and Catherine Boutwell; ; 53. Reducing Resistance in Psychotherapy; Clifton W. Mitchell; ; 54. Implementing Stimulus Control Therapy for Insomnia; Richard R. Bootzin; ; 55. Terminating Psychotherapy; Oren Shefet and Rebecca Coleman Curtis; ; 56. Using Hypnosis to Invite Relaxation; Douglas Flemons; ; 57. Working with the Religiously Committed Client; P. Scott Richards; ; 58. Practicing Psychotherapy with Adults who have Cognitive Impairments; Kathleen B. Kortte; ; 59. Selecting a Treatment Format; Larry B. Feldman; ; 60. Treating the Effects of Psychological Trauma; Laura S. Brown; ; 61. Working with Patients Who Have Been Sexually Abused by Previous Therapists and Clergy; Kenneth S. Pope; ; 62. Counseling People Living with HIV; Priscilla Dass-Brailsford; ; 63. Treating Bipolar Spectrum Disorders; Elizabeth Brondolo; ; 64. Tailoring Treatment to the Patients Race and Ethnicity; Guillermo Bernal and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez; ; 65. Considerations in Treating People with Disabilities; Rochelle Balter; ; 66. Practicing Harm Reduction; Andrew Tatarsky; ; 67. Therapy with Victims of Hate Crimes; Glenda M. Russell and Christopher G. Hawkey; ; 68. Assessing and Treating Non-Suicidal Self-Injury; E. David Klonsky; ; 69. When English is Not the First Language: Psychotherapeutic Considerations; Rafael Javier and Lillian Comas-Diaz; ; 70. Understanding Sexuality in the Context of Disability; Linda R. Mona and Kimberly Smith; ; 71. Helping Patients Cope with Chronic Medical Illness; Carol D. Goodheart and Korey K. Hood; ; 72. Locating the Best Research Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice; Lauren A. Maggio and Marilyn L. Tinsley; ; 73. Preventing Relapse; Katie Witkiewitz; Part IV: Couples, Family, and Group Treatment; ; 74. Recruiting, Selecting, and Preparing Patients for Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy; Victor J. Yalom; ; 75. Conducting Parent Management Training; Melanie M. Nelson and Sheila M. Eyberg; ; 76. Conducting Couple and Family Therapy; Jay L. Lebow; ; 77. Treating High-Conflict Couples; Susan Heitler; ; 78. Treatment of Partner Infidelity; Don-David Lusterman; ; 79. Conducting Psychoeducational Groups; Gary M. Burlingame and Sean Woodland; ; 80. Using Genograms in Assessment and Therapy; Sueli S. Petry and Monica McGoldrick; ; 81. Treating Bullying Behaviors among Youth; Susan M. Swearer; ; 82. Enuresis and Encopresis; Patrick C. Friman; ; 83. Treating Veterans and Military Families; Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway and Jennifer L. Bakalar; ; 84. Assessing and Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders; James A. Mulick and Courtney E. Rice; Part V: Child and Adolescent Treatment; ; 85. Principles of Treatment the Behaviorally Disordered Child; Sheila M. Eyberg; ; 86 Helping Children Cope with Chronic Medical Illness; Lauren Mednick; ; 87. Engaging the Reluctant Adolescent; Alice K. Rubenstein; ; 88. Interviewing Children About Sexual Abuse; Karen J. Saywitz and Joyce S. Dorado; ; 89. Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse; Kathryn Kuehnle and Mary Connell; ; Part VI: Biology and Pharmacotherapy; ; 90. Adult Psychopharmacology; Christine Blasey, Joseph K. Belanoff, Charles DeBattista, and Alan F. Schatzberg; ; 91. Understanding Side Effects and Warnings in Psychopharmacology; Elaine Orabona Foster and Ruth Roa-Navarrete; ; 92. Pediatric Psychopharmacology; Colleen A. Ryan and Michael L. Trieu; ; 93. Common Drugs of Abuse and Their Effects; Christopher J. Correia and James G. Murphy; ; 94. Herbal Treatments for Psychological Disorders; Paula J. Biedenharn and Brian A. Kiernan; ; 95. Medical Conditions that May Present as Psychological Disorders; William J. Reed; ; 96. Normal Medical Laboratory Values and Measurement Conversions; Gerald P. Koocher; ; 97. Use of Height and Weight Assessment Tools; Nancie H. Herbold and Sari Edelstein; ; 98. Dietary Supplements and Psychological Functioning; Sari Edelstein and Nancie H. Herbold; Part VII: Self-Help Resources ; 99. Recommended Self-Help Books, Autobiographies, and Films; John C. Norcross and Linda F. Campbell; ; 100. Recommended Homework during Psychotherapy with Couples and Individuals; Arthur E. Jongsma, Jr.; ; 101. Recommended Self-Help Internet Resources for Patients; John M. Grohol; ; 102. Recommended Online Computer-Assisted Treatments; Luciano LAbate; Part VIII: Ethical and Legal Issues; ; 103. American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles; 104. Dealing with Licensing Board and Ethics Complaints; Gerald P. Koocher and Patricia Keith-Spiegel; ; 105. Defending Against Legal (Malpractice and Licensing) Complaints; Robert Henley Woody; ; 106. Minimizing Your Legal Liability Risk Following Adverse Events or Patient Threats; Jeffrey N. Younggren; ; 107. Dealing with Subpoenas; Lindsay Childress-Beatty and Gerald P. Koocher; ; 108. How to Confront an Unethical Colleague; Patricia Keith-Spiegel; ; 109. Recognizing, Assisting, and Reporting the Impaired Psychologist; Gary R. Schoener; ; 110. Understanding Special Education Law; Linda Wilmshurst; Part IX: Forensic Practice; 111. Understanding Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization: Adults and Children; Stuart A. Anfang & Paul S. Appelbaum; ; 112. Applying Standards for Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion; Thomas Graf; ; 113. Understanding Legal Terms of Special Interest in Mental Health Practice; Gerald P. Koocher; ; 114. Applying the Duty to Protect and Warn; James L. Werth, Jr. and Jennifer Stroup; ; 115. Preparing and Giving Expert Testimony; Stanley L. Brodsky and Tess M.S. Neal; ; 116. Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial; Carla A. Lourenco; ; 117. Conducting a Child Custody Evaluation; Robin M. Deutsch; ; 118. Assessing and Responding to Aggressive and Threatening Clients; Leon VandeCreek; Part X: Financial and Insurance Matters; ; 119. Handling Money Matters and Gifts in Psychological Practice; Jeffrey E. Barnett and Allison J. Shale; ; 120. Essential Features of Professional Liability Insurance; Bruce E. Bennett; ; 121. Managing Your Managed Care Contracts; Gerald P. Koocher; ; 122. Setting Fees for Psychological Services; Kavita J. Shah and John C. Norcross; ; 123. Navigating Adverse Managed Care Decisions; Katherine C. Nordal and Shirley Ann Higuchi; Part XI: Practice Management; ; 124. Making Good Referrals; Steven Walfish and Jeffrey Zimmerman; ; 125. Prototype Mental Health Records; Gerald P. Koocher; ; 126. Fulfilling Informed Consent Responsibilities; Kenneth S. Pope; ; 127. Elements of Authorization Forms to Release or Request Clients Records; Edward Zuckerman; ; 128. Understanding Fundamentals of the HIPAA Privacy Rule; Alan C. Nessman; ; 129. Common Clinical Abbreviations and Symbols; John C. Norcross and Brian A. Zaboski; ; 130. Creating a Professional Living Will for Psychologists; Stephen A. Ragusea; ; 131. Understanding Statistics in the Research Literature; William F. Chaplin and Niketa Kumar; ; 132. Selecting and Relying on an Attorney; Robert Henley Woody; ; 133. Managing Real-time Telepsychology Practice; Eve-Lynn Nelson and Teresa A. Lillis; ; 134. Optimizing the Use of Technology in Psychology with Best Practice Principles; Marlene M. Maheu, Joseph McMenamin, and Myron L. Pulier; ; 135. Practicing in the Era of Social Media; Jeffrey E. Barnett and Keely Kolmes; 136. Finding, Evaluating and Using Smartphone Applications; Marlene M. Maheu, Myron L. Pulier, and Sylvain Roy; Part XII: Prevention, Consultation, and Supervision; ; 137. Helping People Cope with Disasters; Eric M. Vernberg and Erin P. Hambrick; ; 138. Establishing a Consultation Agreement; Len Sperry; ; 139. Interacting with the Media; Lilli Friedland and Florence Kaslow; ; 140. Conducting Effective Clinical Supervision; Nicholas Ladany; ; 141. Responsibilities and Liabilities in Supervision; Carol A. Falender and Edward P. Shafranske; ; 142. Cultivating Relationships and Coordinating Care with Other Health Professionals; John C. Linton; ; 143. Consulting on End-of-Life Decisions; James L. Werth, Jr. and Erica Whiting; ; 144. Psychotherapist Self-Care Checklist; John C. Norcross and James D. Guy, Jr.; ; 145. Conducting Evidence-based Prevention; ShaKema M. Blackmon and Elizabeth M. Vera;
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