This classic resource examines every aspect of vaccination - from development to use in reducing disease. Completely revised and updated, it provides authoritative information on vaccine production, available preparations, efficacy, and safety...recommendations for vaccine use, with on the impact of vaccination programs on morbidity and mortality...and more.
Product Details
Data sheet
Publication date
Issue number
hard cover
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
216 x 279
Weight (g)
1. History 2. History of Polio Vaccine Development 3. Immunology of Vaccination 4. The Vaccine Industry 5. Vaccine Manufacture 6. Adjuvants 7. Additives 8. General Immunization Practice 9. Smallpox and Vaccinia 10. Immunization in the Immunocompromised Host 11. Immunization of HIV-Infected PersonsVACCINES RECOMMENDED FOR ALL CHILDREN AND ADULTS 12. Bacilli Calmette-Guerin Vaccine 13. Diphtheria Toxoid 14. Haemophilus Influenzae Vaccine 15. Hepatitis A Vaccine 16. Hepatitis B Vaccine 17. Influenza VaccinesInactivated 18. Live Influenza Virus Vaccine 19. Measles Vaccine 20. Mumps Vaccine 21. Pertussis Vaccine 22. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide 23. Pneumo Conjugate 24. Polio Vaccine Inactivated 25. Live Attenuated Oral Poliovirus Vaccine 26. Rubella Vaccine 27. Tetanus Toxoid 28. Varicella Vaccine 29. Combination VaccinesSPECIAL VACCINES 30. Adenovirus Vaccines 31. Anthrax Vaccine 32. Cholera Vaccine 33. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines 34. Meningococcal Vaccines 35. Miscellaneous Vaccines 36. Plague Vaccine 37. Rabies Vaccine 38. Tick Borne Encephalitis Vaccine 39. Typhoid Fever Vaccines 40. Yellow Fever VaccineSELECTED VACCINES OF THE FUTURE 41. New Technologies for Making Vaccines 42. Pox Virus VaccineRecombinant 43. Cytomegalovirus Vaccines 44. Diarrheal Disease Vaccine 45. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccine 46. Lyme Disease Vaccine 47. Malaria Vaccine 48. Other Parasitic Disease Vaccines 49. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine 50. Rotavirus Vaccines 51. Staphylococcus VaccinePUBLIC HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS 52. Immunization in the United States 53. Immunization in Europe 54. Immunization in Developing Countries 55. Community Immunity 56. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Vaccine Policy 57. Vaccines for International Travel 58. Vaccines for Healthcare Workers 59. Regulation an Testing of Vaccines 60. Safety of Vaccines 61. Safety of Multiple Antigen Administration 62. Legal Issues 63. Public Acceptance of VaccinesAPPENDICES