This accurate and up-to-date introductory text on human form and function presents a large, complex body of scientific knowledge in an easily understood, conversational writing style. Focusing on concepts rather than just descriptions to help students unify information, the text uses a big picture theme of body function and explains the bodys homeostatic regulation. Many practical features and hundreds of full-color illustrations enhance text content, and critical thinking learning opportunities are integrated throughout. New illustrations, revised Career Choices boxes in each unit, and current topics - including anthrax and the human genome project - have been added to this edition.
UNIT ONE: The Body as a Whole Introduction: Seeing the Big Picture 1. Organization of the Body 2. The Chemical Basis of Life 3. Anatomy of Cells 4. Physiology of Cells 5. Tissues UNIT TWO: Support and Movement 6. Skin and its Appendages 7. Skeletal Tissues 8. Skeletal System 9. Articulations 10. Anatomy of the Muscular System 11. Physiology of the Muscular System UNIT THREE: Communication, Control, and Integration 12. Nervous System Cells 13. Central Nervous System 14. Peripheral Nervous System 15. Sense Organs 16. Endocrine System UNIT FOUR: Transportation and Defense 17. Blood 18. Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System 19. Physiology of the Cardiovascular System 20. Lymphatic System 21. Immune System 22. Stress UNIT FIVE: Respiration, Nutrition, and Excretion 23. Anatomy of the Respiratory System 24. Physiology of the Respiratory System 25. Anatomy of the Digestive System 26. Physiology of the Respiratory System 27. Nutrition and Metabolism 28. The Urinary System 29. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 30. Acid-Base Balance UNIT SIX: Reproduction and Development 31. Male Reproductive System 32. Female Reproductive System 33. Growth and Development 34. Genetics and Heredity Mini-Atlas of Human Anatomy Appendixes A. Metric Measurements and Their Equivalents B. Determining the Potential Osmotic Pressure of a Solution C. Clinical and Laboratory Values D. Conversion Factors to International System of Units (SI Units) E. Nobel Peace Prize Winners NEW! Glossary Photo/Illustration Credits Index