Therapeutic Drugsis an encyclopaedia of drugs used in human medicine. A highly structured monograph of between three and four thousand words deals with each therapeutic entity. The 900 or so drug monographs that comprise Therapeutic Drugs essentially forma database in which each drug constitutes a record. Available in both print and electronic formats, Therapeutic Drugsis written from scratch by physicians and pharmacologists selected for their independence from the industry and for their expertise on the particular entity about which they are writing. The content is a warts-and-all account of all the therapeutically important drugs in use in the world. The database contains much that individual manufacturers would prefer was not there. But although the relevant pharmaceutical company reviews every monograph, the final decision about what to say about a drug rests with the monograph author and the editorial team. Each monograph contains a well-referenced section comprising an analysis of the key trialsof the drug, with comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the trial, and its implications for therapeutic practice.