- Contents (detailed)
Poisons schedule (new to old conversion)
Table of drug monographs
Unit I Introduction to pharmacology
- Drugs, medicines and health professionals
- Pharmacotherapy: medical use of drugs
- Over-the-counter drugs and complementary therapies
- Legal and ethical foundations of pharmacotherapy
- Unit II Principles of pharmacology
- Molecular aspects of drug action and pharmacodynamics
- Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
- Pharmacokinetics and dosing regimens
- Individual and lifespan aspects of drug therapy
- Adverse drug reactions
Units III Drugs affecting the peripheral nervous systemOverview of the autonomic nervous systemDrugs affecting cholinergic transmissionDrugs affecting noradrenergic transmissionOverview of the somatic nervous system and drugs affecting neuromuscular transmission
Unit IV Drugs affecting the central nervous systemOverview of the central nervous systemAnaestheticsAnalgesicsAntianxiety, sedative, and hypnotic drugsAntiepileptic drugsPsychotropic agentsCentral nervous system stimulants Drugs for neurodegenerative disorders and migraineDrug dependence and social pharmacology
Unit V Drugs affecting the heart and vascular systemOverview of the heart and vascular systemDrugs affecting cardiac functionDrug affecting vascular smooth muscleLipid-lowering drugs
Unit VI Drugs affecting the kidney and urinary systemOverview of the kidney and urinary tract Drugs affecting the kidney and urinary system
Unit VII Drugs affecting the bloodOverview of the haemopoietic systemAnticoagulant, thrombolytic, antiplatelet, haemostatic and antifibrinolytic drugs
Unit VIII Drugs affecting the respiratory systemOverview of the respiratory systemDrugs used in respiratory disorders
Unit IX Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal systemOverview of the gastrointestinal tractDrugs affecting the gastrointestinal tract
Unit X Drugs affecting the visual and auditory systemsOverview of the eye and ophthalmic drugsDrugs affecting hearing, taste & smell Unit XI Drugs affecting the endocrine system
Overview of the endocrine systemPharmacology of the pituitary gland and hypothalamic-pituitary axisThe thyroid gland and antithyroid drugsPharmacology of the adrenal cortexThe endocrine pancreas and management of diabetes mellitusThe parathyroid glands and calcium balance
Unit XII Drugs affecting the reproductive systemOverview of the female and male reproductive systemsDrugs affecting the female reproductive system Drugs used in pregnancy, childbirth and lactationDrugs affecting the male reproductive systemDrugs affecting fertility or sexual functioning
Unit XIII Drugs used in neoplastic diseasesOverview of neoplasia and cancer chemotherapy Antineoplastic agents
Unit XIV Drugs affecting microorganismsOverview of antimicrobial chemotherapy and antibiotic resistanceAntibacterial drugsAntifungal and antiviral drugsAntiprotozoal, antimycobacterial and anthelminthic drugs
Unit XV Drugs affecting body defencesOverview of mediators of inflammation, allergy and the immune responseAnti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugsDrugs affecting the skin
Unit XVI Special topicsDrugs in sportDrugs in obesity
Appendices1. Abbreviations
2. Antiseptics, disinfectants and sterilant agents
3. Food-drug interactions
4. Glossary of pharmaceutical terms
5. Poisons/drug information centres
6. WHO list of essential drugs
7. New-to-old Poisons Schedule