This second edition of a groundbreaking book is substantially revised to deliver the foundation for an evidence-based model for best practices in midwifery a model critical to raising the United States current standing as the bottom-ranking country for maternity mortality among developed nations. With a focus on updated scientific evidence as the framework for midwifery practice, the book includes 21 completely new chapters that address both continuing and new areas of practice, the impact of institutional and national policies, and the effects of diversity and globalization. Incorporating the midwifery model of care, the book provides strategies for change and guidance for implementing evidence-based best practices. The book examines midwifery efforts to improve the health of women and children in the U.S., for example, Strong Start, US MERA, Centering Pregnancy, a focus on physiologic birth, and successful global endeavors. It encompasses a diverse nationwide authorship that includes leaders in midwifery, academicians, midwives representing diversity, hospital- and community-based practitioners, and policymakers. This coalition of authors from diverse backgrounds facilitates an engaging and robust discussion around best practices. Chapters open with a contemporary review of the literature, a comparison of current (often scientifically unsubstantiated and ineffective) practices, evidence-based recommendations, and best practices for midwifery. Key Features:: Focuses on scientific evidence as the framework for midwifery practice Addresses continuing and new, controversial areas of practice with strategies and guidelines for change Includes 20 out of 27 completely new chapters Authored by a diverse group of 44 prominent midwifery leaders Examines practices that are in conflict with scientific evidence