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Comprehensive in scope, yet concise and easy to manage, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, by Drs. Sarah Long, Charles Prober, and Marc Fischer, is your go-to resource for authoritative information on infectious diseases in children and adolescents. A veritable whos who of global authorities provides the practical knowledge you need to understand, diagnose, and manage almost any pediatric infectious disease you may encounter.
Data sheet
PART I: Understanding, Controlling, and Preventing Infectious Diseases
A. Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases
1. Principles of Epidemiology and Public Health
Lucy A. McNamara and Stacey W. Martin
2. Pediatric Healthcare Epidemiology
Jane D. Siegel and Judith A. Guzman-Cottrill
3. Infections Associated with Group Childcare
Jennifer P. Collins and Andi L. Shane
4. Infectious Diseases in Refugee and Internationally Adopted Children
Mary Allen Staat
B. Prevention of Infectious Diseases
5. Passive Immunization
Amanda F. Goddard and H. Cody Meissner
6. Active Immunization
Raymond A. Strikas, Alison C. Mawle, Larry K. Pickering, Walter A. Orenstein
7. Antimicrobial Chemoprophylaxis
John S. Bradley
8. Protection of Travelers
Kevin L. Schwartz and Jay S. Keystone
9. Immunologic Development and Susceptibility to Infection
Paul K. Sue, Michal Meir, and Maite de la Morena
10. Fever and the Inflammatory Response
Grant S. Schulert and Alexei A. Grom
PART II Clinical Syndromes and Cardinal Features of Infectious Diseases: Approach to Diagnosis and Initial Management
A. Septicemia, Toxin and Inflammation-Mediated Syndromes
11. The Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Sepsis, and Septic Shock
Judith A. Guzman-Cottrill and Louise Elaine Vaz
12. Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Hayley A. Gans and David B. Lewis
B. Cardinal Symptom Complexes
13. Mucocutaneous Symptom Complexes
Sarah S. Long and Ishminder Kaur
14. Fever without Localizing Signs
Ravi Jhaveri and Eugene D. Shapiro
15. Prolonged, Recurrent, and Periodic Fever Syndromes
Kalpana Manthiram, Kathryn M. Edwards, and Sarah S. Long
16. Lymphatic System and Generalized Lymphadenopathy
Mary Anne Jackson and J. Christopher Day
17. Cervical Lymphadenitis and Neck Infections
Emily A. Thorell
18. Mediastinal and Hilar Lymphadenopathy
Mary Anne Jackson and J. Christopher Day
19. Abdominal and Retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy
Angela L. Myers
20. Localized Lymphadenitis, Lymphadenopathy, and Lymphangitis
Angela L. Myers
21. Respiratory Tract Symptom Complexes
Kathleen McGann and Sarah S. Long
22. Abdominal Symptom Complexes
Ishminder Kaur
23. Neurologic Symptom Complexes
Geoffrey A. Weinberg and Robert Thompson-Stone
24. Musculoskeletal Symptom Complexes
C. Buddy Creech
C. Oral Infections and Upper and Middle Respiratory Tract Infections
25. Infections of the Oral Cavity
Jana Shaw
26. The Common Cold
Diane E. Pappas
27. Pharyngitis
John C. Arnold and Victor Nizet
28. Infections Related to the Upper and Middle Airways
Marc Tebruegge and Nigel Curtis
29. Otitis Media
Stephen I. Pelton
30. Otitis Externa and Necrotizing Otitis Externa
Thomas G. Boyce and Karthik Balakrishnan
31. Mastoiditis
Ellen R. Wald and James H. Conway
32. Sinusitis
Ellen R. Wald and Gregory P. DeMuri
D. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
33. Bronchiolitis
H. Cody Meissner
34. Acute Pneumonia and its Complications
Chitra S. Mani
35. Persistent and Recurrent Pneumonia
Robert R. Wittler
36. Pneumonia in the Immunocompromised Host
Marvin B. Harper, Grace Lee, and Kenneth McIntosh
E. Cardiac and Vascular Infections
37. Endocarditis and Other Intravascular Infections
Stéphanie Levasseur and Lisa Saiman
38. Myocarditis
Christina A. Rostad and Joseph A. Hilinski
39. Pericarditis
Christina A. Rostad and Joseph A. Hilinski
F. Central Nervous System Infections
40 Acute Bacterial Meningitis beyond the Neonatal Period
Suresh Kumar Panuganti and Simon Nadel
41. Chronic Meningitis
Douglas Swanson and Christopher J. Harrison
42. Recurrent Meningitis
Robyn A. Livingston and Christopher J. Harrison
43. Aseptic and Viral Meningitis
Jin-Young Han and José R. Romero
44. Encephalitis
Carol Glaser and Karen C. Bloch
45. Para- and Postinfectious Neurologic Syndromes
Jonathan B. Strober and Carol Glaser
46. Focal Suppurative Infections of the Nervous System
Christopher J. Harrison
47. Eosinophilic Meningitis
Marian G. Michaels and Klara M. Posfay-Barbe
48. Urinary Tract Infections, Renal Abcess, and Other Complex Renal Infections
Michael Davenport and Linda M. Dairiki Shortliffe
G. Genitourinary Tract Infections
49. Sexually Transmitted Infection Syndromes
Margaret J. Blythe
50. Skin and Mucous Membrane Infections and Inguinal Lymphadenopathy
Monica E. Patton and Kimberly A. Workowski
51. Urethritis, Vulvovaginitis, and Cervicitis
Paula K. Braverman
52. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Eloisa Llata and Harold C. Wiesenfeld
53. Epididymitis, Orchitis, and Prostatitis
Noni E. MacDonald and William R. Bowie
54. Infectious Diseases in Child Abuse
Beth Emerson and Kirsten Bechtel
H. Gastrointestinal Tract Infections and Intoxications
55. Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
Jumi Yi and Andi L. Shane
56. Viral Gastroenteritis
Eyal Leshem and Ben A. Lopman
57. Inflammatory Enteritis
David Blanco and Harpreet Pall
58. Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Kanecia Zimmerman and Daniel K. Benjamin, Jr.
59. Enteric Diseases Transmitted Through Food, Water, and Zoonotic Exposures
Karen P. Neil, Jonathan S. Yoder, Aron J. Hall, and Anna Bowen
I. Intra-abdominal Infections
60. Acute Hepatitis
Vahe Badalyan, Laurie Conklin and John D. Snyder
61. Chronic Hepatitis
Parvathi Mohan, Muhammad Khan, and John D. Snyder
62. Granulomatious Hepatitis
Beverly L. Connelly
63. Acute Pancreatitis
Beverly L. Connelly
64. Cholecystitis and Cholangitis
Beverly L. Connelly
65. Peritonitis
Shawn J. Rangel, Samuel E. Rice-Townsend, Mahima Karki, and R. Lawrence Moss
66. Appendicitis
Marion C. W. Henry and R. Lawrence Moss
67. Intra-Abdominal, Visceral, and Retroperitoneal Abscesses
Karen A. Diefenbach and R. Lawrence Moss
J. Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections
68. Superficial Bacterial Skin Infections and Cellulitis
Hillary S. Lawrence and Amy Jo Nopper
69. Erythematous Macules and Papules
Brittany S. Barros and Andrea L. Zaenglein
70. Vesicles and Bullae
James Treat
71. Purpura
Melissa Reyes and Lawrence F. Eichenfield
72. Urticaria and Erythema Multiforme
Kara N. Shah
73. Papules, Nodules and Ulcers
Jennifer L. Sorrell and Christine T. Lauren
74. Subcutaneous Tissue Infections and Abscesses
Catalina Matiz and Sheila Fallon Friedlander
75. Myositis, Pyomyositis, and Necrotizing Fasciitis
C. Buddy Creech
K. Bone and Joint Infections
76. Osteomyelitis
David K. Hong and Kathleen Gutierrez
77. Infectious and Inflammatory Arthritis
David K. Hong and Kathleen Gutierrez
78. Diskitis
David K. Hong and Kathleen Gutierrez
79. Transient Synovitis
C. Buddy Creech
L. Eye Infections
80. Conjunctivitis in the Neonatal Period (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
Douglas R. Fredrick
81. Conjunctivitis beyond the Neonatal Period
Douglas R. Fredrick
82. Infective Keratitis
Douglas R. Fredrick
83. Infective Uveitis, Retinitis, and Chorioretinitis
Douglas R. Fredrick
84. Endophthalmitis
Douglas R. Fredrick
85. Preseptal and Orbital Infections
Ellen R. Wald
M. Infections Related to Trauma
86. Infection following Trauma
Sarah L. Wingerter
87. Infection following Burns
Jane M. Gould
88. Infection following Bites
Marvin B. Harper and Sarah Wingerter
89. Infections Related to Pets and Exotic Animals
Joseph A. Bocchini
90. Tickborne Infections
Kristina Bryant
N. Infections of the Fetus and Newborn
91. Clinical Approach to the Infected Neonate
Jessica E. Ericson and Daniel K. Benjamin, Jr
92. Bacterial Infections in the Neonate
Morven S. Edwards and Carol J. Baker
93. Viral Infections in the Fetus and Neonate
Robert F. Pass and Swetha Pinninti
94. Hospital-Associated Infections in the Neonate
Laura Sass and M. Gary Karlowicz
O. Infections and Transplantation
95. Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Michael Green and Marian G. Michaels
96. Infections in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
Jorge Luján-Zilbermann and David M. Berman
P. Infections and Cancer
97. Fever and Granulocytopenia
Monica I. Ardura and Andrew Y. Koh
98. Infections in Children with Cancer
Monica I. Ardura and Andrew Y. Koh
Q. Infections Associated with Hospitalization and Medical Devices
99. Healthcare-Associated Infections
Jane M. Gould and Susan E. Coffin
100. Clinical Syndromes of Device-Associated Infections
Julia S. Sammons and Jeffrey S. Gerber
R. Infections in Patients with Deficient Defenses
101. Evaluation of the Child with Suspected Immunodeficiency
E. Stephen Buescher
102. Infectious Complications of Antibody Deficiency
Elisabeth E. Adderson
103. Complement in Control of Infectious Agents
Michael M. Frank
104. Infectious Complications of Dysfunction or Deficiency of Polymorphonuclear and Mononuclear Phagocytes
E. Stephen Buescher
105. Infectious Complications of Cell-Mediated Immunity Other than AIDS: Primary Immunodeficiencies
David B. Lewis
106. Infectious Complications in Special Hosts
Lara A. Danziger-Isakov, David A. Rosen, Jane L. Burns, and David A. Hunstad
107. Infections Related to Biologic Modifier Therapy
H. Dele Davies
108. Infectious Complications of Corticosteroid Therapy
Kari A. Simonsen and H. Dele Davies
S. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
109. Epidemiology and Prevention of HIV Infection in Children and Adolescents
Jennifer S. Read
110 Immunopathogenesis of HIV-1 Infection
Grace M. Aldrovandi, Chiara Cerini, and Nicole H. Tobin
111. Diagnosis and Clinical Manifestations of HIV Infection
Paul Krogstad
112. Infectious Complications of HIV Infection
Allison L. Agwu and Russell B. Van Dyke
113. Chapter 113. Management of HIV Infection
George Kelly Siberry
PART III. Etiologic Agents of Infectious Diseases
A. Bacteria
114. Classification of Bacteria
Joseph W. St. Geme III and Katherine A Rempe
Gram-Positive Cocci
115. Staphylococcus aureus
Robert S. Daum
116. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Other Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci
Philip Toltzis
117. Classification of Streptococci
David B. Haslam and Joseph W. St. Geme III
118. Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus)
Victor Nizet and John C. Arnold
119. Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus)
Morven S. Edwards and Carol J. Baker
Proofs to Edwards
120. Enterococcus Species
David B. Haslam and Joseph W. St. Geme III
121. Viridans Streptococci, Abiotrophia and Granulicatella Species, and Streptococcus bovis Group
David B. Haslam and Joseph W. St. Geme III
122. Groups C and G Streptococci
David B. Haslam and Joseph W. St. Geme III
123. Streptococcus pneumoniae
Krow Ampofo and Carrie L. Byington
124. Other Gram-Positive, Catalase-Negative Cocci: Leuconostoc and Pediococcus Species
David B. Haslam and Joseph W. St. Geme III
125. Neisseria meningitidis
Andrew J. Pollard and Adam Finn
126. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Katherine K. Hsu and Zoon Wangu
127. Other Neisseria Species
Zoon Wangu and Katherine K. Hsu
Gram-Positive BACILLI
128 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
Denise F. Bratcher
129. Bacillus Species (Anthrax)
Denise F. Bratcher
130. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Irini Daskalaki
131. Other Corynebacteria
Denise F. Bratcher
132. Listeria monocytogenes
Monica M. Farley
133. Other Gram-Positive Bacilli
Denise F. Bratcher
134. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Silvia S. Chiang and Jeffrey R. Starke
135. Mycobacterium Species Non-tuberculosis
Marc Tebruegge and Nigel Curtis
136. Nocardia Species
Ellen Gould Chadwick and Richard B. Thomson, Jr.
137. Escherichia coli
Edwin J. Asturias
138 Klebsiella and Raoultella Species
William J. Barson and Amy Leber
139. Klebsiella (Calymmatobacterium) granulomatis (Granuloma Inguinale)
Bradley P. Stoner
140. Enterobacter, Cronobacter, and Pantoea Species
Dennis J. Cunningham and Amy Leber
141. Citrobacter Species
Stella Antonara and Monica I. Ardura
142. Less Commonly Encountered Enterobacteriaceae
Joshua R. Watson, Rebecca Wallihan, and Stella Antonara
143 Plesiomonas shigelloides
Shai Ashkenazi
144. Proteus, Providencia, and Morganella Species
William J. Barson and Stella Antonara
145. Serratia Species
Eunkyung Song, Asuncion Mejias, and Stella Antonara
146. Salmonella Species
Megan E. Reller
147 Shigella Species
Shai Ashkenazi
148. Yersinia Species
Theresa J. Ochoa and Miguel ORyan
149 Acinetobacter Species
Guliz Erdem and Amy Leber
150 Aeromonas Species
Miguel ORyan and Yalda C. Lucero
151. Less Commonly Encountered Nonenteric Gram-Negative Bacilli
Michael T. Brady and Amy Leber
152. Eikenella, Pasteurella, and Chromobacterium Species
Guliz Erdem and Amy Leber
153. Moraxella Species
Eugene Leibovitz and David Greenberg
154. Pseudomonas Species and Related Organisms
Jane L. Burns
155. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Paul J. Planet
156. Burkholderia cepacia Complex and Other Burkholderia Species
Jane L. Burns
157. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Jane L. Burns
158. Vibrio cholerae (Cholera)
Janell A. Routh, Almea Matanock, and Eric D. Mintz
159. Other Vibrio Species
Karen K. Wong and Patricia M. Griffin
160. Bartonella Species (Cat-Scratch Disease)
Jin-Young Han and Richard F. Jacobs
161. Brucella Species (Brucellosis)
Edward J. Young
162. Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis) and Other Bordetella Species
Sarah S. Long, Kathryn M. Edwards and Jussi Mertsola
163. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli
Jumi Yi and Evan J. Anderson
164. Other Campylobacter Species
Bethany K. Sederdahl and Evan J. Anderson
165. Capnocytophaga Species
Lorry G. Rubin
166. Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae
Samir S. Shah
167. Chlamydia trachomatis
Toni Darville and G. Ingrid J. G. Rours
168. Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) psittaci (Psittacosis)
Preeta Krishnan Kutty
169. Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever)
Gilbert J. Kersh
170. Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and other members of the Family Anaplasmataceae
William L. Nicholson171. Francisella tularensis (Tularemia)
Lorry G. Rubin
172. Haemophilus influenzae
Joseph W. St. Geme III and Katherine A Rempe
173. Other Haemophilus Species and Aggregatibacter Species
Emily Souder and Jennifer Vodzak
174. Helicobacter pylori
Luis A. Castagnini, Benjamin D. Gold, and Mark A. Gilger
175. Other Gastric and Enterohepatic Helicobacter Species
Jonathan D. Crews and, Mark A. Gilger
176. Kingella Species
Pablo Yagupsky
177. Legionella Species
Lorry G. Rubin
178. Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
Christopher D. Paddock and Gerardo Alvarez-Hernández
179. Other Rickettsia Species
Marina E. Eremeeva and Gregory Alan Dasch
180. Streptobacillus moniliformis (Rat-Bite Fever)
Lorry G. Rubin
181. Other Gram-Negative Coccobacilli
Lorry G. Rubin
182. Treponema pallidum (Syphilis)
Sarah A. Rawstron and Sarah J. Hawkes
183. Other Treponema Species
Sarah A. Rawstron
184. Leptospira Species (Leptospirosis)
Eugene D. Shapiro
185. Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease)
Eugene D. Shapiro
186. Other Borrelia Species and Spirillum minus
Eugene D. Shapiro
187. Anaerobic Bacteria: Classification, Normal Flora, and Clinical Concepts
Itzhak Brook and Sarah S. Long
188. Clostridium tetani (Tetanus)
Itzhak Brook
189. Clostridium botulinum (Botulism)
Sarah S. Long
190. Clostridium difficile
Nalini Singh and Karl Klontz
191. Other Clostridium Species
Itzhak Brook
192. Bacteroides and Prevotella Species and Other Anaerobic Gram-Negative Bacilli
Itzhak Brook
193. Fusobacterium Species
Neil Rellosa and Jennifer Vodzak
194. Anaerobic Cocci
Debrah Meislich and Anat Feingold
195. Anaerobic Gram-Positive Nonsporulating Bacilli (including Actinomycosis)
Anat R. Feingold and Debrah Meislich
196. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Samir S. Shah
197. Other Mycoplasma Species
Samir S. Shah
198. Ureaplasma urealyticum
Samir S. Shah
199. Kawasaki Disease
Anne H. Rowley
200. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Gary S. Marshall and Bryan D. Carter
B. Viruses
201. Classification of Human Viruses
Robert David Siegel
202. Poxviridae
Brett W. Petersen
203. Introduction to Herpesviridae
David W. Kimberlin and Charles G. Prober
204. Herpes Simplex Virus
David W. Kimberlin and Charles G. Prober
205. Varicella-Zoster Virus
Ann M. Arvin
206. Cytomegalovirus
Robert F. Pass
207. Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7 (Roseola, Exanthem Subitum)
Mary T. Caserta
208. Epstein-Barr Virus (Mononucleosis and Lymphoproliferative Disorders)
Ben Z. Katz
209. Human Herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus)
Mary T. Caserta
210. Adenoviruses
Upton D. Allen and Gail J. Demmler-Harrison
211. Human Papillomaviruses
Loris Y. Hwang and Anna-Barbara Moscicki
212. BK, JC, and Other Human Polyomaviruses
Suchitra Rao
213. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D Viruses
Melissa Collier and Sarah Schillie
214. Human Parvoviruses Kevin E. Brown
215. Coltivirus (Colorado Tick Fever)
J. Erin Staples and Marc Fischer
216. Rotaviruses
Catherine Yen and Margaret M. Cortese
217. Togaviridae: Alphaviruses
J. Erin Staples and Ann M. Powers
218. Flaviviruses
Susan L. Hills and Marc Fischer
219. Bunyaviruses
Barbara Knust and Marc Fischer
220. Hepatitis C Virus
Melissa G. Collier, Deborah Holtzman, and Scott D. Holmberg
221. Rubella Virus
Yvonne A. Maldonado and Avinash K. Shetty
222. Human Coronaviruses
Susan M. Poutanen
223. Parainfluenza Viruses
Asunción Mejías and Octavio Ramilo
224. Mumps Virus
Yvonne A. Maldonado and Avinash K. Shetty
Proofs to Shetty
225. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
H. Cody Meissner
226. Human Metapneumovirus
Jennifer E. Schuster and John V. Williams
227. Rubeola Virus (Measles and Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
Yvonne A. Maldonado and Avinash K. Shetty
Proofs to Maldonado
228. Rabies Virus
Rodney E. Willoughby, Jr
229. Influenza Viruses
Fatimah S. Dawood and Joseph Bresee
230. Filoviruses and Arenaviruses
Margot Anderson and Daniel G. Bausch
231. Introduction to Retroviridae
Katherine Luzuriaga
232. Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Viruses
Katherine Luzuriaga
233. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Katherine Luzuriaga
234. Introduction to Picornaviridae
Kevin Messacar, John F. Modlin, and Mark J. Abzug
235. Polioviruses
Stephanie B. Troy and Yvonne A. Maldonado
236. Enteroviruses and Parechoviruses
Kevin Messacar, John F. Modlin and Mark J. Abzug
237. Hepatitis A Virus
Melissa G. Collier and Noele P. Nelson
238. Rhinoviruses
Diane E. Pappas and J. Owen Hendley
239. Caliciviruses
Aron J. Hall
240. Astroviruses
Jacqueline E. Tate
241. Hepatitis E Virus
Eyasu H. Teshale
C. Fungi
242. Classification of Fungi
Thomas F Patterson and Deanna A Sutton
243. Candida Species
P. Brian Smith and William J. Steinbach
244. Aspergillus Species
William J. Steinbach
245. Agents of Hyalohyphomycosis and Phaeohyphomycosis
Thomas F. Patterson and Deanna A. Sutton
246. Agents of Mucormycosis
Thomas F. Patterson and Deanna A. Sutton
247. Malassezia Species
Deanna A. Sutton and Thomas F. Patterson
248. Sporothrix schenckii complex (Sporotrichosis)
Thomas F. Patterson and Deanna A. Sutton
249. Cryptococcus Species
George R. Thompson III and Thomas F. Patterson
250. Histoplasma capsulatum (Histoplasmosis)
John C. Christenson
251. Pneumocystis jirovecii
Francis Gigliotti and Terry W. Wright
252. Blastomyces dermatitidis (Blastomycosis)
Gregory M. Gauthier and Bruce S. Klein
253. Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii (Coccidioidomycosis)
George R. Thompson III
254. Dermatophytes and Other Superficial Fungi
Tanya Greywal and Sheila Fallon Friedlander
255. Agents of Eumycotic Mycetoma: Pseudallescheria boydii (Anamorph Scedosporium apiospermum)
Elaine G. Cox and John J. Manaloor
D. Human Parasites and Vectors
256. Classification of Parasites
Peter J. Hotez
257. Ectoparasites (Lice and Scabies)
Dirk M. Elston
258. Babesia Species (Babesiosis)
Kristina N. Feja
259. Balantioides coli (formerly Balantidium coli)
Katerina Jirku-Pomajbíková and C. Rune Stensvold
260. Blastocystis
Christen R. Stensvold
261. Cryptosporidium Species
Mohammed Nael Mhaissen and Patricia M. Flynn
262. Endolimax nana
Casper S. Poulsen and Christen R. Stensvold
263. Entamoeba histolytica (Amebiasis)
Joanna Nelson and Upinder Singh
264. Other Entamoeba, Amebas, and Intestinal Flagellates
Joanna Nelson and Upinder Singh
265. Giardia intestinalis (Giardiasis)
Matthew Washam and Robert W. Frenck
266. Isospora and Cyclospora Species
Mohammed Nael Mhaissen and Patricia M. Flynn
267. Leishmania Species (Leishmaniasis)
Moshe Ephros and Naomi E. Aronson
268. Microsporidia
Mohammed Nael Mhaissen and Patricia M. Flynn
269. Naegleria fowleri
Joanna Nelson and Upinder Singh
270. Acanthamoeba Species
Joanna Nelson and Upinder Singh
271. Plasmodium Species (Malaria)
Julie Gutman and Paul M. Arguin
272. Sarcocystis Species
Douglas H. Esposito
273. Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasmosis)
Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis and Jose G. Montoya
274. Trichomonas vaginalis
Elissa Meites and Kimberly A Workowski
275. Trypanosoma Species (Trypanosomiasis)
Amelia B. Thompson and Andres F. Camacho-Gonzalez
276. Intestinal Nematodes
Julie R. Harris and Peter J. Hotez
277. Tissue Nematodes
Daniel Griffin and Dickson Despommier
278. Chapter 278. Blood and Tissue Nematodes (Filarial Worms)
LeAnne M. Fox
279. Diphyllobothrium, Dipylidium, and Hymenolepis Species
Susan P. Montgomery and Frank O. Richards, Jr
280. Taenia solium, Taenia asiatica, and Taenia saginata (Taeniasis and Cysticercosis)
Natalie J. M. Dailey Garnes, A. Clinton White, Jr, and Jose A. Serpa
281. Echinococcus Species (Agents of Echinococcosis)
Pedro L. Moro and Paul Cantey
282. Taenia (Multiceps) multiceps and Taenia serialis (Coenurosis)
Natalie J. M. Dailey Garnes, Jose A. Serpa, and A. Clinton White, Jr
283. Intestinal Trematodes
LeAnne M. Fox
284. Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola, and Paragonimus Species
Jeffrey L. Jones
285. Blood Trematodes (Schistosomiasis)
Susan P. Montgomery and Frank O. Richards, Jr
Part IV: Laboratory Diagnosis and Therapy of Infectious Diseases
A. The Clinician and the Laboratory
286. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection due to BACTERIA, FUNGI, PARASITES, AND RICKETTSIAE
John C. Christenson, E. Kent Korgenski, and Ryan F. Relich
287. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection Due to Viruses, Chlamydia, Chlamydophila, and Mycoplasma
Tony Mazzulli
288. Laboratory Manifestations of Infectious Diseases
Sarah S. Long and Jennifer Vodzak
B. Anti-Infective Therapy
289. Principles of Anti-Infective Therapy
John S. Bradley and Sarah S. Long
290. Mechanisms and Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance
Kevin Alby and Melissa B. Miller
291. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Basis of Optimal Antibiotic Therapy
Michael N. Neely and Michael D. Reed
292. Antimicrobial Agents
Jason B. Sauberan and John S. Bradley
293. Antifungal Agents
Rachel L. Wattier and William J. Steinbach
294. Topical Antimicrobial Agents
Ishminder Kaur and Jane M. Gould
295. Antiviral Agents
David W. Kimberlin
296. Antiparasitic Agents
Edward T. Ryan