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Examination Paediatrics, is designed to assist candidates to pass clinical examinations in paediatrics, particularly at post-graduate level.
This book is written for candidates preparing for the Fellowship Examination of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Australian & New Zealand candidates and candidates taking the Australian Examination in other countries), and candidates preparing for the Membership Examination for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (UK) (Part II) (MRCPCH). All undergraduates and postgraduates preparing for any paediatric examination with a clinical component, including those with an OSCE format, should, however, find this book useful as a study aid and reference. The expanded text and new sections will also be useful to GPs, doctors sitting the AMC examination, paediatric residents/house officers, and registrars.
The book contains much useful information including history-taking, examination procedure, relevant investigations, aides mémoire, lists and mnemonics, and management for the majority of chronic paediatric clinical problems seen in hospital-based practice. This edition retains a popular feature of this book - the detailed explanation of the attitudinal skills, body language, and motivation necessary to complete clinical examinations successfully.
Data sheet
Dedication v Foreword ix Preface xi Preface to the first edition xiii Acknowledgements xv Abbreviation xvii Introduction xxxiii
1 Approach to the examination 1
2 The long case 7
3 The short case 14
4 Achievement psychology 17
5 Behavioural and developmental paediatrics 25 Long Cases Anorexia nervosa 25 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 35 Autistic disorder (autism) 49 Short Cases Child suspected of having ADHD 61 Child with possible autism/autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) 64
6 Cardiology 67 Long Case Cardiac disease 67 Short Case The cardiovascular system 91
7 Endocrinology 107 Long Cases Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 107 Diabetes mellitus 116 Short Cases Disorders of Sexual Development (ambiguous genitalia) 132 Diabetes 135 Short stature 136 Tall stature 150 Obesity 157 Normal puberty 163 Precocious puberty 164 Delayed puberty 169 Disorders of Sexual Development (virilisation in the postneonatal period) 177 Thyroid disorders 182 Thyroid disorders in infants 186
8 Gastroenterology 190 Long Cases Inflammatory bowel disease 190 Chronic liver disease (CLD) 200 Malabsorption/maldigestion 212 Short Cases Gastrointestinal system 217 The abdomen 222 Jaundice 229 Nutritional assessment 236 Failure to thrive 244 Poor feeding 246 Weight loss-older child/adolescent 246
9 Genetics and dysmorphology 253 Long Cases Down syndrome 253 Turner syndrome 265 Short Case The dysmorphic child 277
10 Haematology 287 Long Cases Haemophilia 287 Sickle cell disease (SCD) 297 Th alassaemia: ß-thalassaemia major 311 Short Cases The haematological system 321 Thalassaemia 329
11 Neonatology 332 Short Cases The neonatal examination 332 The 6-week check 337
12 Nephrology 338 Long Cases Chronic kidney disease (CKD) 338 Nephrotic syndrome 356 Short Cases Renal examination 365 Hypertension 369 Oedema 374
13 Neurology 377 Long Cases Cerebral palsy 377 Dystrophinopathies: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) 391 Seizures and epileptic syndromes 403 Spina bifi da 420 Short Cases Developmental assessment 430 Eye examination 432 Motor cranial nerves 438 Neurological assessment of the upper limbs 439 Gait: a short-case approach 443 Neurological assessment of the lower limbs 444 Cerebellar function 447 Large head 447 Small head 450 Seizures 459 Facial weakness 462 Floppy infant 464 Hemiplegia 469 Intellectual impairment 472 Involuntary movements 475 Neurofi bromatosis, type 1 (NF-1) 477 Neuromuscular assessment 479 Scoliosis 480 Spina bifida 482
14 Oncology 487 Long Case Oncology 487 Short Case Late effects of oncology treatment 498
15 The respiratory system 503 Long Cases Asthma 503 Neonatal intensive care unit graduate: chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia (CLD/BPD) 513 Cystic fi brosis (CF) 521 Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) 546 Short Cases The respiratory system 552 The chest 556 Stridor 556 Chest X-rays 558
16 Rheumatology 561 Long Cases Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) 561 Juvenile idiopathic inflamatory myopathies (JIIMs): juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) 577 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 587 Short Case Joints 598 Suggested reading 604 Quick Reference Mnemonics 607 Picture Credits 623 Index 625 Contents