The completely revised and updated edition of this popular resource uses an algorithmic, structured approach to help readers diagnose and manage common clinical problems. Now featuring an alphabetical organization and quick-access drug tables for ease of use, the 4th Edition offers to-the-point guidance on a wealth of hot topics, including adolescent health care, neurosurgical disorders, febrile disorders, behavioral and developmental disorders, and more.
Clinical Decision Making 1. Clinical Decision Making
Adolescent Medicine 2. Breast Lump in Adolescent Girls 3. Breast Pain in Adolescent Girls 4. Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysmenorrhea 5. Contraception 6. Depression 7. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 8. Eating Disorders 9. Galactorrhea (Nipple Discharge) in Adolescent Girls 10. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 11. Primary Amenorrhea 12. Secondary Amenorrhea 13. Substance Abuse 14. Urethritis and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescent Boys 15. Vulvovaginitis and Cervicitis
Behavioral and Developmental Disorders 16. And approach to a Developmental or Behavioral Problem in Pediatric Practice 17. Adolescent Peer Violence 18. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents 19. Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder Evaluation and Treatment 20. Autistic Spectrum Disorders 21. Behavioral Problems in a Child with a Chronic Health Condition 22. Child Abuse: Physical Abuse 23. Child Abuse: Sexual Abuse 24. Developmental Delay in Children Younger than 6 Years of Age 25. Encopresis (Soiling) 26. Enuresis: Nocturnal and Diurnal 27. Language Disorders 28. School Learning Problems 29. Sleep disturbances 30. Commonly Used Psychopharmacologic Agents in Pediatric Practice
Cardiovascular Disorders 31. Evaluation of a Child with a Heart Murmur 32. Bradyarrhythmias 33. Congestive Heart Failure 34. Cyanotic Heart Disease 35. Hyperlipidemia 36. Hypertension 37. Innocent Murmus 38. Rheumatic Fever 39. Shock/Hypotension 40. Supraventricular Tachycaridas
Children with Special Health Care Needs 41. Overview of Primary Care for the Child with Special Health Care Needs 42. Cerebral Palsy 43. Chronic Lund Disease of the Premature Infant 44. Down Syndrome 45. Feeing Problems in a Child with Special Health Care Needs 46. Neurogenic Bladder/Spina Bifida 47. Palliative Care 48. Preventive Ambulatory Care of the Premature Infant 49. Short Bowel Syndrome 50. Spina Bifida 51. Williams Syndrome 52. Insurance Problems
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 63. Ambiguous Genitalia 64. Delayed Puberty 65. Hypercalcemia 66. Hyperglycemia 67. Hyperkalemais 68. Hypernatremia 69. Hypocalcemia 70. Hypoglycemia 71. Hypokalemia 72. Hyponatremia 73. Inborn Errors of Metabolism in the Acutely Ill Child 74. Metabolic Acidosis 75. Obesity 76. Precocious Puberty in Boys 77. Precocious Puberty in Girls 78. Reye-Like Syndrome 79. Short Stature
Febrile Disorders and Other Nonspecific Presentations 80. Acute Fever in Infants Less Than 3 Months of Age 81. Acute Fever Without a Source in Infants and Children 3 to 36 Months of Age 82. Suspected Anthrax Infection 83. Chest Pain 84. Crying: Acute, Excessive 85. Fever, Red Eyes, Red Skin 86. Frequent Infections 87. Growth Deficiency/Failure to Thrive 88. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 89. Infectious Mononucleosis 90. Kawasaki Disease 91. Lyme Disease 92. Prolonged Fever Without a Source 93. Syncope
Gastroenterologic Disorders 94. Abdominal Mass 95. Abdominal Pain: Acute 96. Abdominal Pain: Persistent or Recurrent 97. Ascites 98. Bloody Stools 99. Constipation 100. Crohns Disease 101. Diarrhea: Acute 102. Diarrhea: Chronic 103. Gastroesophageal Reflux 104. Hematemesis/Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 105. Hepatitis 106. Hepatomegaly 107. Jaundice After 6 Months of Age 108. Pancreatitis 109. Peptic Ulcer Disease 110. Polyps 111. Splenomegaly 112. Ulcerative Colitis 113. Vomiting After Infancy 114. Vomiting During Infancy
International Pediatrics 115. Acute Diarrhea 116. A Child with Fever in the Tropics 117. Dengue Infection 118. Malaria 119. Measles Infection 120. Tetanus 121. Tuberculosis 122. Typhoid Fever
Hematologic Disorders 123. Bleeding Disorders 124. Fever in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease 125. Generalized Lymphadenopathy 126. Hemolytic Anemia 127. Microcytic Anemia 128. Neutropenia 129. Normocytic or Macrocytic Anemia 130. Thrombocytopenia 131. Venous Thrombotic Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders 132. Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Disorders 133. Evaluation of the Active athlete 134. Arthritis 135. Foot Pain 136. Gait Abnormalities 137. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 138. Limp 139. Osteomyelitis 140. Septic Arthritis
Neonatal Disorders 141. Evaluation for a Genetic Disease 142. Newborn Genetic Screening 143. Anemia in the Newborn 144. Birth Defects and Dysmorphic Features 145. Bleeding in the Newborn 146. Inborn Error of Metabolism in a Newborn 147. Necrotizing Enterocolitis 148. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Infections 149. Neonatal Jaundice 150. Neonatal Resuscitation 151. Neonatal Seizures 152. Neonatal Sepsis 153. Neonatal Thrombocytopenia 154. Neonatal Thrombosis 155. Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Neurologic Disorders 156. Evaluation of Neurologic Disorders 157. Abnormal Head: Size and Shape 158. Abnormal Tone in Infancy 159. Cerebral Edema 160. Childhood Weakness and Paralysis 161. The Clumsy Child 162. Coma 163. Headache 164. Meningitis 165. Movement Disorders (Ataxia, Dystonia, Chorea) 166. Seizure Disorders: Febrile 167. Seizure Disorders: Nonfebrile 168. Status Epilepticus 169. Tics and Tremors 170. Vertigo