A new edition of this important and field-defining text!
Long considered the bible of paediatric critical care this new edition is an essential purchase for all paediatricians and critical care specialists. Now completely revised and updated, this definitive, text guides you through all aspects of caring for the critically ill child.
The logical organ-system approach addresses development, function, disease, and treatment for a full range of disease entities. Multidisciplinary in approach, the book addresses pharmacology, nursing, administration, ethics, and other areas of concern to the whole pediatric ICU team.
1. Multidisciplinary Critical Care and the Role of the Pediatric Subspecialist in the PICU 2. History of Pediatric Intensive Care 3. Pediatric Critical Care and the Intensivist in the New Hospital Environment 4. The Nurse in Pediatric Critical Care 5. Research in Pediatric Critical Care 6. Proving the Point: Evidence-Based Medicine in Pediatric Critical Care 7. Outcome Prediction in Pediatric Critical Care 8. Safety and Quality Assessment in the PICU 9. Information Technology in Critical Care 10. Family-Centered Care in the PICU 11. Ethics in Pediatric Intensive Care 12. Ethical Issues in Death and Dying 13. Pediatric Transplantation and Organ Donation 14. Pediatric Transport: Shifting the Paradigm to Improve Patient Outcome 15. Pediatric Vascular Access and Centeses 16. Pediatric Intensive Care in Developing Countries
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
A. Circulation
17. Structure and Function of the Heart 18. Regional Circulation 19. Principles of Invasive Monitoring 20. Assessment of Cardiovascular Function 21. Echocardiography and Noninvasive Cardiac Diagnosis 22. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization 23. Pharmacology of the Cardiovascular System 24. Cardiopulmonary Interactions 25. Myocardial Dysfunction, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, and Ventricular Assist Devices 26. Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm 27. Shock States 28. Cardiac Bypass for Repair of Congenital Heart Disease in Infants and Children 29. Cardiac Intensive Care 30. Cardiac Transplantation
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
B. Respiration
31. Structure of the Respiratory System 32. Pediatric Airway Management 33. Physiology of the Respiratory System 34. Control of Breathing and Acute Respiratory Failure 35. Assessment and Monitoring of Respiratory Function 36. Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch 37. Mechanical Dysfunction of the Respiratory System 38. Noninvasive Monitoring in Children 39. Specific Diseases of the Respiratory System: Upper Airway 40. Asthma 41. Neonatal Respiratory Disease 42. Pneumonitis and Interstitial Disease 43. Diseases of Pulmonary Circulation 44. Mechanical Ventilation and Respiratory Care 45. Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury 46. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Children 47. Extracorporeal Life Support
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
C. CNS and Neuromuscular
48. Development, Structure, and Function of the Brain and Neuromuscular Systems 49. Neuroimaging 50. Pediatric Neurologic Assessment and Monitoring 51. Congenital Malformations of the Brain and Spinal Cord 52. Intracranial Hypertension and Brain Monitoring 53. Postoperative Neurosurgical Intensive Care 54. Coma and Depressed Sensorium 55. Status Epilepticus 56. Acute Neuromuscular Diseases and Disorders in Pediatric Critical Care 57. Acute Central Nervous System Infections 58. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: Pathobiology and Therapy of the Postresuscitation Syndrome in Children
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
D. Renal
59. Renal Structure and Function 60. Electrolyte Management in Pediatric Critical Illness 61. Acid-Base Disorders 62. Tests of Renal Function 63. Renal Pharmacology 64. Glomerulotubular Dysfunction and Acute Renal Failure 65. Pediatric Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
E. Metabolism and Endocrine
66. Hypertension in the PICU 67. Cellular Bioenergetic Pathways and Processes 68. Nutrition in the Critically Ill Child 69. Inborn Errors of Metabolism 70. Disorders of the Endocrine System and Pediatric Critical Illness 71. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
F. Hematology
72. Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs 73. Thromboembolism in Pediatric Critical Care Patients 74. Hematology and Oncology Problems in the Intensive Care Unit 75. Basics of Transfusion Medicine 76. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 77. Hemaglobinopathy
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
G. Gastroenterology
78. Gastrointestinal Structure and Function 79. Disorders and Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 80. Gastrointestinal Pharmacology 81. Acute Liver Failure, Liver Transplantation, and Extracorporeal Liver Support 82. Acute Abdomen
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
H. Immunity and Infection
83. The Innate Immune System 84. Infection and the Host Response 85. Congenital Immunodeficiency 86. Acquired Immune Dysfunction 87. Bacterial Infection, Antimicrobial Use and Resistant Organisms in the PICU 88. Life-Threatening Viral Disease and Its Treatment 89. Infectious Syndromes in the PICU 90. Nosocomial Infection in the PICU 91. Rheumatic Diseases and Their Treatment 92. Genomic and Proteomic Medicine in Critical Care
Section: II. Organ System Function and Failure
I. Failure of Organ Systems
93. Molecular Foundations of Cellular Injury: Apoptosis and Necrosis 94. Endotheliopathy 95. Neuroendocrine-Immune Mediator Coordination and Disarray in Critical Illness 96. Sepsis 97. Pediatric Multiple Organ Dysfuncation Syndrome
Section: III. Environmental Hazards
98. Principles of Toxin Screening, Assessment and Detoxification 99. Toxidromes and Their Treatment 100. Bites and Stinges 101. Heat Injury 102. Cold Injury 103. Near-Drowning 104. Burn and Inhalation Injuries
Section: IV. Trauma
105. Evaluation, Stabilization and Initial Management After Multiple Trauma 106. Child Abuse and Neglect 107. Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Infants and Children 108. Thoracic Injuries in Children 109. Abdominal Trauma in Pediatric Critical Care
V. Pharmacology
110. Principles of Drug Disposition in the Critically Ill Child 111. Molecular Aspects of Drug Actions: from Receptors to Effectors 112. Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug-Drug Interactions
VI. Anesthesia and Analgesia Aspects of Pediatric Critical Care
113. Organ System Considerations that Affect Anesthetic Management 114. Anesthetic Principles and Operating Room Anesthesia Regimens 115. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 116. Sedation and Analgesia 117. Malignant Hyperthermia
VII. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
118. Physiologic Foundations of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 119. Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation