Using a unique age-specific organization, this book discusses all aspects of pediatric dentistry from infancy through adolescence. Each age-specific section covers the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that children experience, as well as the epidemiology of dental disease at that age. Other chapters explore the examination, treatment planning, radiographic concerns, prevention, trauma, restorative dentistry, pulp therapy, orthodontics, and behavior management of each age range.
PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1. The Practical Importance of Pediatric Dentistry 2. Oral Pathologic Conditions and Soft Tissue Anomalies 3. Anomalies of the Developing Dentition 4. Oral and Dental Care of Local and Systemic Diseases 5. Topics in Pediatric Physiology 6. Nonpharmacologic Issues in Pain Perception and Control 7. Pain Perception Control 8. Pain Reaction Control: Sedation 9. Antimicrobials in Pediatric Dentistry 10. Medical Emergencies 11. Dental Public Health Issues in Pediatric Dentistry PART 2: CONCEPTION TO AGE THREE 12. The Dynamics of Change Physical Changes Cognitive Changes Emotional Changes Social Changes Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Dental Disease 13. Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning of the Infant and Toddler 14. Prevention of Dental Disease 15. Introduction to Dental Trauma: Managing Traumatic Injuries in the Primary Dentition 16. Congenital Genetic Disorders and Syndromes PART 3: THE PRIMARY DENTITION YEARS: THREE TO SIX YEARS 17. The Dynamics of Change Physical Changes Cognitive Changes Emotional Changes Social Changes Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Dental Disease 18. Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning 19. Prevention of Dental Disease 20. Dental Materials 21. Restorative Dentistry for the Primary Dentition 22. Pulp Therapy for the Primary Dentition 23. Patient Management 24. Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 25. Space Maintenance in the Primary Dentition 26. Oral Habits 27. Orthodontic Treatment in the Primary Dentition 28. Local Anesthesia and Oral Surgery in Children PART 4: THE TRANSITIONAL YEARS: SIX TO TWELVE YEARS 29. The Dynamics of Change Physical Changes Cognitive Changes Emotional Changes Social Changes Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Dental Disease 30. Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning 31. Prevention of Dental Disease 32. Pit and Fissure Sealants and Conservative Adhesive Restorations: Scientific and Clincial Rationale 33. Pulp Therapy for Young Permanent Dentition 34. Managing Traumatic Injuries in the Young Permanent Dentition 35. Treatment Planning and Treatment of Orthodontic Problems PART 5: ADOLESCENCE 36. The Dynamics of Change Physical Changes Cognitive Changes Social Changes Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Dental Disease 37. Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning for General and Orthodontic Problems 38. Prevention of Dental Disease 39. Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry for the Adolescent 40. Sports Dentistry and Mouth Protection Appendixes
Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule - United States, 2004
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Anticpatory Guidance for Childrens Dental HEalth