Clear algorithms and concise accompanying explanations facilitate the evaluation and management of nearly 140 common pain management problems. The New Edition of this best-selling resource features a completely new section on Cancer Pain plus brand-new chapters on patient evaluation, chronic pain, upper and lower extremity pain, nerve blocks, and more. It also incorporates comprehensive updates throughout to reflect the latest evaluation techniques, treatment approaches, and pain syndromes.
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hard cover
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216 x 276
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EVALUATION 1. Initial Management of Acute Pain 2. Evaluation of the Chronic Pain Patient 3. Evaluation of Pain in Children 4. Evaluation of the Geriatric Pain Patient 5. Assessment of Substance Abuse Potential 6. Psychological Evaluation 7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 8. Sleep Disturbances and Chronic Pain 9. Pain Measurement 10. Radiography / PET Scan 11. Discography 12. EMG/NCV (upper / lower) 13. Thermography 14. Exam Under Sedation 15. Testing & Treatment with IV Local Anesthetics & Other 16. Differential Epidural / Spinal Blockade 17. Diagnostic Nerve BlocksACUTE PAIN 18. Epidural Endoscopy 19. Patient Controlled Analgesia 20. Acute Herpes Zoster 21. Acute Upper Extremity Pain 22. Acute Lower Extremity Pain 23. Acute Thoracic Pain 24. Acute Abdominal Pain 25. Acute Pancreatitis 26. Obstetric PainCHRONIC PAIN SYNDROMES 27. Myofascial Pain Syndromes 28. Post-Herpetic Neuralgia 29. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 30. Metastatic Cancer Pain 31. Diabetic Neuropathy 32. Chronic Pancreatic Pain 33. Neuropathic Pain 34. Central Pain Syndrome 35. Phantom Pain 36. Pain in the Spinal Cord-Injured Patient 37. The Fibromyalgia Syndrome 38. Rheumatoid Arthritis 39. Osteoarthritis 40. Discogenic Back Pain 41. Nonsomatic Pain 42. AIDS 43. Groin Pain 44. Pelvic PainCANCER PAIN 45. Patient Education 46. Cancer Pain Management 47. Medical Management of Cancer Pain: Oral Analgesics? 48. Neurolytic Blocks 49. Non-Pharmacological Interventions 50. Implantable Devices 51. Hospice Care / Palliative CareHEAD AND NECK PAIN 52. Head and Neck Pain 53. Approach to the Patient with Headache 54. Vascular Headache 55. Trigeminal Neuralgia 56. Temporomandibular Disorders 57. Orofacial Pain 58. Torticollis 59. Whiplash 60. Cervical Zygapophysial Pain 61. Cervical RadiculopathiesUPPER EXTREMITY PAIN 62. Myofascial Upper Extremity Pain 63. Shoulder Pain 64. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 65. Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome of the Hand 66. Shoulder - Hand Syndrome 67. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 68. Neuropathic Syndromes 69. Entrapment Syndromes 70. Tendinitis 71. Upper Extremity BursitisTHORACIC PAIN 72. Chronic Thoracic Pain 73. Post-Mastectomy Pain 74. Post-Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome 75. Compression Fracture Pain of the Back 76. Rib DysfunctionBACK PAIN 77. Acute Low Back Pain 78. Chronic Low Back Pain 79. Myofascial Back Pain 80. Lumbosacral Radiculopathy 81. Spinal Stenosis 82. Ankylosing Spondylitis 83. Failed Laminectomy Syndrome 84. Facet Joint Syndrome 85. Sacroiliac Joint PainLOWER EXTREMITY PAIN 86. Bursitis 87. Entrapment Syndromes 88. Piriformis Syndrome 89. Hip Pain 90. Knee Pain 91. Foot Pain 92. Evaluation of Intermittent ClaudicationPEDIATRIC PAIN 93. Management of Painful Procedures in Pediatric Patients 94. Chronic Benign Pain in Children 95. Cancer Related Pain in ChildrenPHARMACOLOGY 96. Local Anesthetic Choice 97. Local Anesthetic Toxicity 98. NSAIDS 99. Steroids 100. Antidepressants 101. Anticonvulsants 102. Narcotics 103. Botulinum Toxin Pharmacology 104. Neurolytic Agents 105. Topical AgentsTHERAPEUTIC MODALITIES 106. Narcotic Detoxification 107. Physical Therapy 108. Occupational Therapy 109. Vocational Rehabilitation 110. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation 111. Psychological Interventions 112. Hypnosis 113. Biofeedback 114. Acupuncture 115. Continuous Neural Blockade 116. Intravenous Regional Blockade 117. Steroid Joint Injections 118. Intradiscal Therapies 119. Epidural Steroid Injections 120. Intrathecal Analgesics (Narcotics & Other Compounds) 121. Neurolytic Blocks 122. Complications of Neurolytic Blocks 123. Implantable Infusion Pumps 124. Spinal Cord Stimulation 125. Cryoanalgesia 126. Radiofrequency Ablation 127. Neurosurgical Procedures for Pain 128. Prosthetic Support 129. Preop Evaluation & Preparation for Regional Anesthesia 130. Peripheral Nerve Stimulators 131. Radiographic Contrast Media 132. Pediatric Extremity Blocks 133. Cranial Nerve Block 134. Peripheral Nerve Block 135. Sympathetic Blocks 136. Epidural Block 137. Subarachnoid BlockAPPENDICES 1. Definitions of Common Pain Terms 2. Pain Clinic Organization 3. Assessment Tools 4. Opioids 5. Opioid Side Effects and Treatment 6. Antidepressants 7. NSAIDS