Joined by an international team of leading experts, noted pain authority Dr. Steven Waldman presents comprehensive, one-of-a-kind coverage examining pain syndromes from a multidisciplinary perspective. A user-friendly, how-to-do-it format enables you to access specific guidance quickly...and apply the information bring faster pain relief to your patients.
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216 x 276
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SECTION 1. THE BASIC SCIENCE OF PAIN MANAGEMENT 1. A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Pain in the Human, Ronald Melzack, PhD, and Joel Katz, MD 2. Anatomy of the Pain Processing System, Tony L. Yaksh, PhD, and Z. David Luo, MD, PhD 3. Dynamics of the Pain Processing System, Tony L. Yaksh, PhDSECTION 2. THE EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT IN PAIN 4. History and Physical Examination of the Patient in Pain, Charles Donohoe, MD 5. Patterns of Common Pain Management Syndromes, Bernard M. Abrams, MD 6. Rational Use of Laboratory Testing, Charles Donohoe, MD 7. Plain Radiography, David Dai-Fu Hou, MD, and John A. Carrino, MD, MPH 8. Nuclear Medicine Techniques, David Dai-Fu Hou, MD, and John A. Carrino, MD, MPH 9. Computed Tomography, Joel A. Nielsen, DO, and John A. Carrino, MD, MPH 10. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Eric T. Chou, MD, and John A. Carrino, MD, MPH 11. Discography, Milton H. Landers, DO, PhD 12. Epidurography, Jeffrey P. Meyer, MD, Miles R. Day, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 13. Selective Nerve Root Blocks, Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD 14. Differential Neural Blockade for the Diagnosis of Pain, Alon P. Winnie, MD, and Kenneth Candido, MD 15. Spinal Canal Endoscopy, Lloyd R. Saberski, MD 16. Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity Testing, Bernard M. Abrams, MD 17. Evoked Potential Testing, Howard J. Waldman, MD, DO 18. The Measurement of Pain: Objectifying the Subjective, Darrin J. Correll, MD 19. Chronic Pain: Physiological, Diagnostic, and Management Considerations, Brian Hainline, MDSECTION 3. GENERALIZED PAIN SYNDROMES ENCOUNTERED IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Part A. Acute Pain Syndromes 20. Acute Postoperative Pain, Steven D. Waldman, MD 21. Burn Pain, Krishna Boddu, MB BS, David R. Patterson, PhD, Sam R. Sharar, MD, Shelley Wiechman, PhD 22. Sickle Cell Pain, Kimberley Smith-Martin, MD 23. Acute Headache, Seymour Diamond, MD, and George R. Nissan, DO Part B. Neuropathic Pain Syndromes 24. The Peripheral Neuropathies, Steven D. Waldman, MD 25. Acute Herpes Zoster & Post Herpetic Neuralgia, Steven D. Waldman, MD 26. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Andreas Binder, MD, Jörn Schattschneider, MD, and Ralf Baron, MD 27. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type II: Causalgia, Andreas Binder, MD, Jörn Schattschneider, MD, and Ralf Baron, MD 28. Phantom Pain Syndromes, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Vijay Singh, MD and Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD Part C. Pain of Malignant Origin 29. Identification and Treatment of Cancer Pain Syndromes, Steven D. Waldman, MD 30. Radiation Therapy in the Management of Cancer Pain, Scott C. Cozad, DDS, MD 31. Neural Blockade with Local Anesthetics and Steroids in the Management of Cancer Pain, P. Prithvi Raj, MD 32. Neural Blockade with Neurolytic Agents in the Management of Cancer Pain, Subhash Jain, MD, and Rakesh Gupta, MD 33. The Role of Spinal Opioids In The Management Of Cancer Pain, Steven D. Waldman, MD 34. Neurosurgery in the Management of Cancer Pain, Michael S. Yoon, MD, and Michael Munz 35. Palliative Care in the Management of Cancer Pain, Eduardo Bruera, MD, and Fadi Braiteh, MD Part D. Pain of Dermatologic and Musculoskeletal Origin 36. Common Sports Injuries, Steven D. Waldman, MD 37. Fibromyalgia and Related Conditions, Steven D. Waldman, MD 38. Pain and Dysfunction Associated with the Entrapment Neuropathies, Charles Donohoe, MD 39. Osteoarthritis and Related Disorders, Paul Dieppe, MD, Prof. Philip G. Conaghan, Bruce L. Kidd, MD, and Paul Creamer, MD 40. An Overview Of The Collegen Vacular Diseases, Steven D. Waldman, MD 41. Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Brian L. Hazleman, MA, MBSECTION 4. REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROMES Part A. Pain in the Head 42. Migraine Headache, Seymour Diamond, MD 43. Tension-Type Headache, Frederick G. Freitag, DO 44. Cluster Headache, George Urban, MD and Seymour Diamond, MD 45. Analgesic Rebound Headache, Roger K. Cady, MD, Curtis P. Schreiber, MD, and Kathleen U. Farmer, PsyD 46. Trigeminal Neuralgia, Alan Stiles, DMD, and James J. Evans, MD 47. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia, Steven D. Waldman, MD 48. Giant Cell Arteritis, Brian L. Hazleman, MA, MB 49. Pain of Ocular and Periocular Origin, Steven D. Waldman, MD 50. Pain of Ear, Nose, and Throat Origin, Steven D. Waldman, MD 51. Occipital Neuralgia, Steven D. Waldman, MD 52. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy of the Face, Kenneth D. Candido, MD Part B. Pain Emanating from the Neck and Brachial Plexus 53. Cervical Facet Syndrome, Khuram A. Sial, MD, Thomas T. Simopoulos, MD, Zahid H. Bajwa, MD, Carol A. Warfield, MD 54. Cervical Radiculopathy, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Vijay Singh, MD and Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD 55. Brachial Plexopathy and Related Disorders, Divya Patel, MD and Sunil Singh, MD 56. Cervical Dystonias and Related Disorders, Martin Childers, DO, PhD Part C. Shoulder Pain Syndromes 57. Arthritis Pain of the Shoulder, Steven D. Waldman, MD 58. Disorders of the Rotator Cuff, D. Ross Henshaw, MD, and Edward V. Craig, MD 59. Acromioclavicular Joint Pain, Steven D. Waldman, MD 60. Subdeltoid Bursitis and Related Disorders, Steven D. Waldman, MD 61. Biceps Tendinitis and Related Disorders, Robert Trout, MD 62. Scapulocostal Syndrome and Related Disorders, Bernard M. Abrams, MD Part D. Elbow Pain Syndromes 63. Tennis Elbow, Steven D. Waldman, MD 64. Golfers Elbow, Steven D. Waldman, MD 65. Olecranon and Cubital Bursitis, Steven D. Waldman, MD 66. Tardy Ulnar Palsy and Other Entrapment Neuropathies of the Elbow and Forearm, Steven D. Waldman, MD Part E. Wrist and Hand Pain Syndromes 67. Arthritis of the Wrist and Hand, Adel G. Fam, MD 68. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Adel G. Fam, MD 69. DeQuervains Tenosynovitis, Adel G. Fam, MD 70. Dupuytrens Contracture, Adel G. Fam, MD 71. Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb, Adel G. Fam, MD 72. Glomus Tumor of the Hand, Adel G. Fam, MD Part F. Pain Syndromes of the Chest Wall and Thoracic Spine 73. Chest Wall Pain, Steven D. Waldman, MD 74. Thoracic Radiculopathy, Steven D. Waldman, MD 75. Painful Disorders of the Respiratory System, Jose L. Mendez, MD, and Douglas R. Gracey, MD 76. Post-Mastectomy Pain, Mirjana Lovrincevic, MD, and Mark J. Lema, MD, PhD 77. Post-Thoracotomy Pain, Debra A. DeAngelo, DO, and Vitaly Gordin, MD 78. Mononeuritis Multiplex, Steven D. Waldman, MD Part G. Pain Syndromes of the Abdomen, Retroperitoneum and Groin 79. Abdominal Wall Pain & Groin Pain, Steven D. Waldman, MD 80. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis, Steven D. Waldman, MD 81. Ilioinguinal, Iliohypostric, and Genitofemoral Neuralgia, Steven D. Waldman, MD Part H. Pain Syndromes of the Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint 82. Low Back Pain, David Borenstein, MD 83. Lumbar Radiculopathy, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Vijay Singh, MD and Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD 84. Lumbar Facet Syndrome, Nikolai Bogduk, MD 85. Occupational Back Pain, Brian McGuirk, MD, and Nikolai Bogduk, MD 86. Arachnoiditis and Related Conditions, J. Antonio Aldrete, MD, MS 87. Spondylosis and Spondylolisthesis, Nikolai Bogduk, MD 88. Sacroiliac Joint Pain and Related Disorders, Steven Simon, MD 89. Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, J. Antonio Aldrete, MD, MS Part I. Pain Syndromes of the Pelvis and Genitalia 90. Osteitis Pubis, Steven D. Waldman, MD 91. Piriformis Syndrome, Lowell W. Reynolds, MD, and Thomas F. Schrattenholzer, MD 92. Orchialgia, Lowell W. Reynolds, MD, and Shawn M. Sills, MD 93. Vulvadynia, Lowell W. Reynolds, MD, and Brett T. Quave, MD 94. Coccyodynia, Steven D. Waldman, MD 95. Proctalgia Fugax, Steven D. Waldman, MD Part J. Pain Syndromes of the Hip and Proximal Lower Extremity 96. Ischiogluteal and Gluteal Bursitis, Steven D. Waldman, MD 97. Trochanteric Bursitis, Martin Childers, DO, PhD 98. Iliopsoas Bursitis, Robert Trout, MD 99. Meralgia Paresthetica, Steven D. Waldman, MD 100. Femoral and Saphenous Neuropathy, Bernard M. Abrams, MD 101. Obturator Neuropathy, Bernard M. Abrams, MD Part K. Pain Syndromes of the Knee and Distal Lower Extremity 102. Painful Conditions of the Knee, Steven D. Waldman, MD 103. Bursitis Syndromes of the Knee, Steven D. Waldman, MD 104. Bakers Cyst, Steven D. Waldman, MD 105. Quadriceps Expansion Syndrome, Steven D. Waldman, MD Part L. Pain Syndromes of the Ankle and Foot 106. Arthritis of the Ankle and Foot, Adel G. Fam, MD 107. Achilles Tendinitis and Bursitis and Other Painful Conditions of the Ankle, Adel G. Fam, MD 108. Mortons Neuroma and Other Painful Conditions of the Foot, Adel G. Fam, MD 109. Hallux Valgus, Bunion, Bunionette, and Other Painful Conditions of the Toe, Adel G. Fam, MD 110. Heel Spur Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, and Other Related Disorders, Dhaneshwari Solanki, MDSECTION 5. SPECIFIC TREATMENT MODALITIES FOR PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT Part A. Pharmacologic Management of Pain 111. Simple Analgesics, Robert B. Supernaw, PharmD 112. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and the Cox-2 Inhibitors, Steven D. Waldman, MD 113. Opioid Analgesics, Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta, MD 114. Antidepressant Compounds, Steven D. Waldman, MD 115. Anticonvulsant Compounds, Steven D. Waldman, MD 116. Centrally Acting Skeletal Muscle Relaxants and Associated Drugs, Howard J. Waldman, MD, Steven D. Waldman, MD, and Katherine A. Waldman, OTR 117. Topical and Systemic Local Anesthetics, James E. Heavner, DVM, PhD 118. Alternative Medicine, Winston C. V. Parris, MD, and Salahadin Abdi, MD, PhD 119. Limitations of Pharmacologic Pain Management, Richard B. Patt, MD Part B. Psychological and Behavioral Modalities for Pain and Symptom Management 120. Psychological Interventions, Jennifer B. Levin, PhD, and Jeffrey W. Janata, PhD 121. Biofeedback, Frank Andrasik, PhD, and Carla Rime, BA 122. Hypnosis, Howard Hall, PhD, PsyD 123. Relaxation Techniques and Guided Imagery, Carla Rime, BA, and Frank Andrasik, PhD Part C. Physical Modalities in the Management of Pain 124. Heat and Cold Modalities, Howard J. Waldman, MD, Steven D. Waldman, MD, and Katherine A. Waldman, OTR 125. Hydrotherapy, David Soto-Quijano, MD, Martin Grabois, MD 126. Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation, Steven D. Waldman, MD 127. Exercise and Physical Reconditioning, Donna Bloodworth, MD 128. Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy, Kevin D. Treffer, DO 129. Nociceptors, Pain, and Chiropractic, Geoffrey M. Bove, DC, PhD, and Rand S. Swenson, DC, MD, PhD 130. Acupuncture, M. Kay Garcia, RN, LAc, DrPH, and Joseph Chiang, MD 131. Prolotherapy, K. Dean Reeves, MD Part D. Neural Blockade and Neurolytic Blocks in the Management of Pain 132. Atlanto-Occipital Block, Luminita Vladutu, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 133. Atlanto-Axial Block, Jonathan Barry, MD, Miles Day, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 134. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block, Lawrence Kropp, MD, Miles R. Day, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 135. Greater and Lesser Occipital Nerve Block, David L. Brown, MD, and Gilbert Y. Wong, MD 136. Gasserian Ganglion Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 137. Trigeminal Nerve Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 138. Glossopharyngeal Nerve Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 139. Vagus Nerve Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 140. Phrenic Nerve Block, Mark A. Greenfield, MD, and Steven D. Waldman, MD 141. Cervical Plexus Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 142. Stellate Ganglion Block, P. Prithvi Raj, MD 143. Cervical Facet Block, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, David M. Schultz, and Vijay Singh, MD 144. Cervical Epidural Nerve Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 145. Brachial Plexus Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 146. Neural Blockade of the Peripheral Nerves of the Upper Extremity, Robert H. Overbaugh, MD 147. Suprascapular Nerve Block, P. Prithvi Raj, MD 148. Thoracic Epidural Nerve Block, Somayaji Ramamurthy, MD 149. Intercostal Nerve Block, Dan J. Kopacz, MD, and Gale E. Thompson, MD 150. Interpleural Catheters, Kathleen A. OLeary, MD, Anthony T. Yarussi, MD, and David P. Myers, MD 151. Splanchnic and Celiac Plexus Nerve Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 152. Lumbar Epidural Nerve Block, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, and Sairam Atluri, MD 153. Subarachnoid Neurolytic Block, Alon P. Winnie, MD, and Kenneth D. Candido, MD 154. Lumbar Facet Block, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, David M. Schultz, and Vijay Singh, MD 155. Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Block, Michael D. Stanton-Hicks, MB, MD 156. Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerve Block, Son Truong Nguyen, DO, Vimal Akhouri, MD, MB, Carol Warfield, MD 157. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block, David P. Bankston, MD 158. Obturator Nerve Block, Somayaji Ramamurthy, MD 159. Caudal Epidural Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 160. Lysis of Epidural Adhesions: The Racz Technique, Miles Day, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 161. Hypogastric Nerve & Ganglion Impar Block, Steven D. Waldman, MD 162. Sacroiliac Joint Injection, Steven D. Waldman, MD 163. Neural Blockade of the Peripheral Nerves of the Lower Extremity, Debra A. DeAngelo, DO, and Vitaly Gordin, MD Part E. Neuroaugmentation and Implantable Drug Delivery Systems 164. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Matthew P. Rupert, MD, MS, Miles Day, MD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD 165. Spinal Cord Stimulation, Allen W. Burton, MD 166. Implantable Drug Delivery Systems, Steven D. Waldman, MD 167. Complications of Implantable Technology for Pain Control, Richard Patt, MD, and Samuel J. Hassenbusch III, MD, PhD Part F. Advanced Pain Management Techniques 168. Neuroadenolysis of the Pituitary, Steven D. Waldman, MD 169. Radiofrequency Lesioning, Matthew T. Klein, MD, and Way Yin, MD 170. Cryoneurolysis, Lloyd R. Saberski, MD 171. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty, Ronald A. Alberico, MD, and Ahmed Abdel-Halim, MD 172. Electrothermal Annuloplasty, Michael L. Whitworth, MD 173. Percutaneous Laser Discectomy, Michael L. Whitworth, MD 174. Cervical Cordotomy, Steven Rosen, MD