This volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Series Editors:: Michael J. Aminoff, Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, USA; François Boller, Bethesda, USA; Dick F. Swaab, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) gives a comprehensive account of pain mechanisms and pain syndromes of neurological interest. Sections address the physiological aspects of pain, the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinically relevant pain syndromes and the treatment of neuropathic pain. Disorders often kept separate from classical; neurology, such as complex regional pain, spinal pain and musculoskeletal pain are included. This volume will be invaluable for both the clinical neurologist and neuroscience researcher.
1. Pain and hyperalgesia: definitions and theories. R.-D. Treede (Mainz, Germany)
2. Pain as a disease. J.D. Loeser (Seattle, WA, USA)
Section 2 The neurobiology of pain Peripheral signaling of pain
3. Nociceptors: neurogenic inflammation. H. O. Handwerker (Nürnberg, Germany)
4. Primary hyperalgesia and nociceptor sensitization. L. Johanek, B. Shim and R.A. Meyer (Baltimore, MD, USA)
5. Molecular mechanisms of nociception and pain. J.N. Wood (London, UK)
Spinal cord processing
6. Anatomy and neurochemistry of the dorsal horn. A.J. Todd (Glasgow, UK)
7. Pain and the spinal cord. F. Cervero (Montreal, Canada)
8. Ascending nociceptive pathways. L. Villanueva, A. Lopez-Avila and L. Monconduit (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
9. Spinal mechanisms of hyperalgesia, K.N. Westlund (Galveston, TX, USA)
Supraspinal processing
10. Brain stem and thalamic relays. J.O. Dostrovsky (Toronto, Canada)
11. Subcortical processing of nociceptive information: basal ganglia and amygdala. V. Neugebauer (Galveston, TX, USA)
12. Cortical mechanisms mediating acute and chronic pain in humans. K. Casey and T.D. Tran (Ann Arbor, MI, USA and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Endogenous pain modulation
13. Descending inhibitory systems. A.Pertovaara and A.Almeida (Helsinki,Finland and Braga,Portugal)
14. Descending excitatory systems. M.H. Ossipov and F. Porreca (Tucson,AZ,USA)
15. Descending pain modulation as a component of homeostasis. P. Mason (Chicago,IL,USA)
Section 3 The pathophysiology of pain
16. Pathological changes in the nociceptor: alterations in TRPV1 activity and Expression. M. Caterina (Baltimore, MD, USA)
17. Cytokinins and pain. C. Sommer (Würzburg, Germany)
18. Itch and cold allodynia. M. Schmelz (Mannheim, Germany)
19. Pathophysiology of nerve injury, M. Devor (Jerusalem, Israel)
20. Central sensitization following nerve injury: molecular mechanisms. K. Noguchi (Hyogo, Japan)
21. Pain following spinal cord injury: central mechanisms. R. Yezierski (Gainsville, FLA, USA)
22. Contribution of glia to pain processing in health and disease. L. Watkins, J. Wiesler-Frank, E. D. Milligan, I. Johnston and S. F. Maier (Boulder, CO, USA)
23. Sex, gender and pain. J. S. Mogil (Montreal, Canada)
24. Referred pain from internal organs. M.A. Giamberardino, G. Affaitati and R. Constantini (Chieti, Italy)
25. The autonomic nervous system and pain. R.Baron and J. Schattschneider (Kiel, Germany)
Section 4 Pain assessment
26. Clinical examination. J. W. Scadding (London, UK)
Neurophysiological examinations in neuropathic pain
27. Quantitative sensory testing. D. Yarnitsky and M. Granot (Haifa, Israel)
28. Brainstem reflexes and their relevance to pain. G. Cruccu, G.D. Iannetti and A. Truini (Rome, Italy and Oxford, UK)
29. Microneurography in the assessment of neuropathic pain. E. Jřrum and M. Schmelz (Oslo, Norway and Mannheim, Germany)
30. Evoked potentials in the assessment of pain. L. Garcia Larrea (Lyon, France)
31. Neuropathological examination of peripheral nerves in painful neuropathies (neuralgias). A.L. Oaklander (Boston, MA, USA)
32. Brain imaging of pain. R. Kupers (Aarhus, Denmark)
33. Experimental human models of neuropathic pain. W. Magerl and T. Klein (Mainz, Germany)
34. Classification of neuropathic pain syndromes based on symptoms and signs. T.S. Jensen and P. Hansson (Aarhus, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden)
Section 5 Pain conditions in neurology: peripheral neuropathies
Pain after nerve injury 35. Complex regional pain syndrome. F. Birklein (Mainz, Germany)
36. Painful entrapment disorders. J. Serra (Barcelona Spain)
37. Pain after surgical interventions. P. Marchettini (Milan, Italy)
Facial pain
38. Trigeminal neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. T. Nurmikko (Liverpool, UK)
39. Facial pain - atypical facial pain and burning mouth syndrome. H. Forssell and P. Svensson (Turku, Finland and Aarhus, Denmark)