This is the second edition of a volume in the Illustrated Colour Text series. It is aimed at clinical medical students and junior postgraduates. Although ENT is a small specialty itself it is an important subject for a high proportion of medical students as ENT conditions are an important part of a general practitioners workload.
Approximately 60 Double Page Spreads Organised in Four Sections: The Ear. Basic Concepts. Audiometry, Vestibulometry and Radiology. Hearing LossGeneral Introduction and Childhood Aetiology. Hearing LossAdult Aetiology. Aids to Hearing. Otalgia. Otorrhoea. Complications of Middle Ear Infections. Facial Palsy. Disorders of BalanceIntroduction and Otological Causes. Disorders of BalanceNon-Otological Causes. Tinnitus. The Auricle (Pinna) and Ear Wax. Otological Trauma and Foreign Bodies. Aural Drops. Nose and Paranasal Sinuses. Anatomy and Physiology. Symptoms, Signs and Investigations. Allergic and Vasomotor Rhinitis. Nasal Polyps and Foreign Bodies. Nasal Infections. Nasal Septal Pathologies and Choanal Atresia. Facial Trauma. Complications of Facial Trauma. Facial Plastic Surgery. Epistaxis. Acute and Chronic Sinusitis. Head and Neck Pain I. Head and Neck Pain II. The Throat. Anatomy and Physiology. Symptoms, Signs and Examination. DysphoniaOrganic Causes. DysphoniaNon-Organic Causes. Stridor. Laryngotracheal Injury. Maintenance and Protection of the Airway. Postoperative Care and Complications of Artificial Airways. Sore Throats. Tonsillectomy and Adenoidal Conditions. Dysphagia. Salivary Glands. Snoring and Deep Apnoea. Oral Cavity. Foreign Bodies. ENT Aspects of HIV Infection. Head and Neck Neoplasia. Basic Concepts. Neck LumpsIntroduction. Neck LumpsPaediatric Conditions. Neck LumpsAdult Conditions. Neck LumpsManagement of Malignant Lumps. Laryngeal Neoplasia. Laryngeal Surgery and Post-Laryngectomy Rehabilitation. Neoplasia of the Oral Cavity. Neoplasia of the Oropharynx. Neoplasia of the Hypopharynx. Neoplasia of the Nasopharynx. Neoplasia of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses. Neoplasia of the Salivary Glands. Neoplasia of the Ear. Terminal Care.