Access todays most trusted and widely used resource on orthopedic surgery with this online edition of Campbells OPERATIVE ORTHOPEDICS! Totally revised and updated, and in an all new full-color design, this 11th edition offers exceptional visual guidance on more than 1,800 operative and minimally invasive procedures. It encompasses all of the very latest procedures, techniques, and instruments so you can offer your patients the best possible outcomes. Online, youll find the complete contents of the 4-volume set, fully searchable regular content updates links to PubMed downloadable images and more.
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VOLUME ONE PART I: GENERAL PRINCIPLES Surgical Techniques and Approaches Magnetic Resonance Imaging in OrthopaedicsPART II: ARTHRODESIS Arthrodesis of Ankle, Knee, and Hip Arthrodesis of Shoulder, Elbow, and WristPART III: ARTHROPLASTY Introduction and Overview Arthroplasty of Ankle and Knee Arthroplasty of Hip Arthroplasty of Shoulder and ElbowPART IV: AMPUTATION General Principles of Amputations Amputations about Foot Amputations of Lower Extremity Amputations of Hip and Pelvis Amputations of Upper Extremity Amputations of HandPART V: INFECTIONS General Principles of Infection Osteomyelitis Infectious Arthritis Tuberculosis and Other Unusual InfectionsPART VI: TUMORS General Principles of Tumors Benign Tumors of Bone Benign (Occasionally Aggressive) Tumors of Bone Malignant Tumors of Bone Soft Tissue Tumors and Nonneoplastic Conditions Simulating Bone TumorsPART VII: NONTRAUMATIC SOFT TISSUE DISORDERS Nontraumatic Soft Tissue Disorders Miscellaneous Nontraumatic DisordersVOLUME TWO PART VIII: CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Congenital Anomalies of Lower Extremity Congenital and Developmental Anomalies of Hip and Pelvis Congenital Anomalies of Trunk and Upper ExtremityPART IX: OSTEOCHONDROSIS Osteochondrosis or Epiphysitis and Other Miscellaneous AffectionsPART X: NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS IN CHILDREN Cerebral Palsy Paralytic Disorders Neuromuscular DisordersPART XI: FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS IN CHILDREN Fractures and Dislocations in ChildrenPART XII: THE SPINE Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches Fractures, Dislocation, and Fracture-Dislocations of Spine Arthrodesis of Spine Pediatric Cervical Spine Scoliosis and Kyphosis Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs Infections of Spine Other Disorders of SpineVOLUME THREE PART XIII: SPORTS MEDICINE Ankle Injuries Knee Injuries Shoulder and Elbow Injuries Recurrent Dislocations Traumatic DisordersPART XIV: ARTHROSCOPY General Principles of Arthroscopy Arthroscopy of Lower Extremity Arthroscopy of Upper ExtremityPART XV: FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS General Principles of Fracture Treatment Fractures of Lower Extremity Fractures of Hip Fractures of Acetabulum and Pelvis Fractures of Shoulder, Arm, and Forearm Malunited Fractures Delayed Union and Nonunion of Fractures Acute Dislocations Old Unreduced DislocationsVOLUME FOUR PART XVI: PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIES Peripheral Nerve InjuriesPART XVII: MICROSURGERY MicrosurgeryPART XVIII: THE HAND Basic Surgical Techniques and Aftercare Acute Hand Injuries Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries Fractures, Dislocations, and Ligamentous Injuries Nerve Injuries Wrist Disorders Special Hand Disorders Paralytic Hand Cerebral Palsy of the Hand Arthritic Hand Compartment Syndromes and Volkmann Contracture Dupuytren Contracture Carpal Tunnel, Ulnar Tunnel, and Stenosing Tenosynovitis Tumors and Tumorous Conditions of Hand Hand Infections Congenital Anomalies of HandPART XIX: THE FOOT AND ANKLE Surgical Techniques Disorders of Hallux Pes Planus Lesser Toe Abnormalities Rheumatoid Foot Diabetic Foot Neurogenic Disorders Disorders of Nails and Skin Disorders of Tendons and Fascia Fractures and Dislocations of Foot