Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks on DVD:: Lower Limbs, Second Edition For PC
One of the longstanding challenges to effective nerve blockade has been precise needle placement without visualization. The advent of ultrasound guidance has been shown by many studies to reduce guesswork and to improve both accuracy and effectiveness of nerve blocking techniques. The Second Edition of this best-selling and expertly authored multimedia tutorial offers dynamic, step-by-step instruction on all ultrasound-guided single injection and continuous infusion nerve blocking techniques in the lower limbs.
• Systematic presentation covers relevant anatomy, indications, materials, patient positioning, puncture site, common techniques, alternative approaches, risks, and complications for each procedure.
• Detailed content for each procedure includes 3-D animation, with voice-over narration and critical teaching points.
• 3-D animation sequences let users visualize techniques in action, identify key anatomic features, minimize errors, and improve accuracy.
• Interactive simulator lets users place blocks in 3-D anatomical models and provides instant feedback on correct and incorrect placement.
• Zoom capabilities allow close-up inspection of important areas.
• MAC and PC compatibility lets users start learning immediately from any computer.
Lower Limb Blocks included on this DVD…
• Femoral
• Fascia Iliaca
• Saphenous Nerve
• Obturator Nerve
• Sciatic Popliteal
• Sciatic Subgluteal
• Tibial Nerve at the Ankle
• Sciatic trans-gluteal
• Sciatic anterior approach
• Deep peroneal nerve at the ankle
• Superficial peroneal nerve at the ankle
• Sural nerve at the ankle