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This is a third edition of an easy to read resource in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry - ideal for undergraduate dental students and postgraduates preparing for the MJDF and similar exams.
Data sheet
1 Median diastema and ectopic eruption of an upper first permanent molar
2 Unerupted upper central incisor
3 Absent upper lateral incisors
4 Crowding and buccal upper canines
5 Severe crowding
6 Palatal canines
7 More canine problems
8 Infraoccluded primary molars
9 Increased overjet
10 Incisor crossbite
11 Reverse overjet
12 Increased overbite
13 Anterior open bite
14 Posterior crossbite
15 Bilateral crossbite
16 Late lower incisor crowding
17 Prominent chin and TMJDS
18 Drifting incisors
19 Appliance-related problems
20 Tooth movement and related problems
21 Cleft lip and palate
22 Nursing and early childhood caries
23 High caries risk adolescents
24 Pain control and treatment planning for carious primary teeth
25 Facial swelling and dental abscess
26 The uncooperative child and adolescent
27 Children with disabilities and learning difficulties
28 Common medical problems in children
29 The displaced primary incisor
30 The fractured immature permanent incisor crown
31 The root fractured permanent incisor
32 The avulsed incisor
33 Disorders of eruption and exfoliation
34 Poor quality first permanent molars
35 Tooth discoloration, hypomineralization and hypoplasia
36 Mottled teeth
37 Multiple missing and abnormally shaped teeth
38 Amelogenesis imperfecta
39 Dentinogenesis imperfecta
40 Dental erosion
41 Gingival bleeding and enlargement
42 Oral ulceration
43 Mind Maps®
A1 The index of orthodontic treatment need: dental health component
A2 Classification and definitions
A3 Orthodontic problems: referral guide
A4 Implications of some medical problems for orthodontics
A5 Lateral cephalometric analysis
A6 A structured dental trauma history form
Reference: 17010
Author: Marcin Grabowski
Definicje, diagnostyka i optymalizacja farmakoterapii na podstawie wytycznych Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego z 2019 r.
Reference: 60913
Author: Diane Altkorn
Reference: 13516
Author: Frank H. Netter
Reference: 10181
Author: Frank H. Netter
Reference: 60910
Author: Peter Brukner
Reference: 18455
Author: red. wyd. pol. Dorota Pomorska-Handwerker
Reference: 14119
Author: red. wyd. pol. Grażyna Śmiech-Słomkowska