This issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America is devoted to Orthodontics for the Craniofacial Surgery Patient and is edited by Drs. Michael R. Markiewicz, Sath Allareddy and Michael Miloro. Articles will include:: Craniofacial growth:: Current theories and influence on management; Overview of timeline of interventions in cleft lip and palate; Dentofacial orthopedics for the cleft patient (non-NAM techniques); Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) techniques; Orthodontic preparation and management of the cleft maxilla; Obturation and tissue transfer for large craniofacial defects; Orthodontic management for craniofacial syndromes; Orthodontics for cleft orthognathic surgery; Maxillary distraction osteogenesis in cleft lip and palate; Mandibular distraction osteogenesis; Technological adjuncts to craniofacial orthodontics and surgery; Orthodontics for unilateral and bilateral cleft deformities; Complications of craniofacial orthodontics and surgery; and more!