The Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist provides a clear and thorough practical guide to performing the common surgical procedures encountered on in dental offices on a day-to-day basis. Building on a sound basis of the proper protocols and appropriate standards of care, the book approaches each procedure through detailed, step-by-step description and illustration. Richly illustrated with clinical photography, the Manual of Minor Oral Surgery offers dentists an indispensable tool to carry out their every-day work, as well as providing information on more advanced procedures for those experienced dentists wishing to develop professionally. The Manual of Minor Oral Surgery focuses on exodontia, including third molar extractions as well as covering other common surgeries, such as pre-implant surgery, biopsy, apicoectomy and retrofill, crown 254ening, and tooth replantation. A section on supportive aspects of surgery addresses such topics as medical histories, managing pain, inflammation, and anxiety. Finally, medico-legal recommendations, safety protocol, and infection-control procedures are reviewed. Key features:: Fully illustrated with step-by-step clinical photography Demonstrates every-day procedures as well as more advanced surgery Designed specifically for the general dental practice Provides patient management guidelines and appropriate safety protocols.