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There is hardly any area of dentistry that has been so characterized by innovation and rapid development as the field of implantology. With a multitude of new implant systems and materials, diagnostic methods, and surgical and prosthetic treatment techniques, dental implantology is the growth area in dental practice today.
This comprehensive book puts pivotal clinical and scientific advances in implantology at your fingertips. Covering surgical, prosthodontic, and technical developments in a clear and systematic way,Implantology is easily readable and highly practical. And nowhere else will you find the abundance of full-color photographic sequences and diagrams (more than 1500 in all) that not only illustrate key information but make the book a visual delight.
Data sheet
Reference: 8532
Author: Terrence Real
Jak przerwać dziedziczenie męskiej depresji
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Author: Andre Giordan
Krótki przewodnik po wielofunkcyjnym narządzie
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Jak rozwiązać rodzinne problemy z alergią, astmą, nietolerancją pokarmową oraz dolegliwościami towarzyszącymi
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Author: Paweł Wiechno
Seria W gabinecie lekarza specjalisty. Onkologia.