Eminently readable...Every chapter held detailed information pertinent to everyday patient care...An authoritative reference.-Gynecologic Oncology An excellent book...Highly recommend.-NEJM
The cutting-edge 3rd Edition of this benchmark reference examines all the latest advances in the diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation of benign and malignant breast diseases-with 40% new material, brand new authors, and sweeping revisions throughout. A multidisciplinary team of 122 experts integrates current oncologic principles and protocols from every relevant field-including surgery, radiation and medical oncology, pathology, molecular biology, pharmacokinetics, and genetics-to help practitioners achieve the best possible outcomes for their patients.
Section I - History of the Therapy of Breast Disease 1. History of the Therapy of Breast Disease--Wagner Section II - Anatomy and Physiology of the Normal and Lactating Breast 2. Anatomy of the Breast--Romerell, Bland 3. Breast Physiolog--Bland, Klimberg 4. Discharges and Secretions of the Nipple--Goodson, King Section III - Benighn and Premalignant Lesions 5. Inflammatory, Infectious and Metabolic Disorders--Bland, Meguid 6. Gynecomastia--Bland, Benken, Page Section IV - Pathology of Benign and Premalignant Lesions of the Breast 7. Benign, High-Risk and Premalignant Lesions--Page, Simpson 8. Congenital and Acquired Disturbances of Breast Development and Growth--Bland,Romerll Section V - Clinical Aspects of Benign Disease 9.Evaluation and Treatment of Benign Breast Disorders--Benken 10. Etiology and Clinical Management of Breast Pain--Klimberg Section VI - Pathology of Malignant Lesions 11. In Situe Carcinomas of the Breast--Lagios, Page 12. Malignant Neoplasia--Simpson 13. Extent and Multicentricity of In Situ and Invasive Carcinoma--Johnson 14. Mammary Sarcoma and Lymphoma--Mies 15. Epithelial Neoplasms and Dermatological Disorders--Mullins Section VII - Natural History, Epidemiology, Genetics & Syndromes of Breast Cancer 16. Epidemiology of Breast Cancer 17. Primary Prevention of Breast Cancer--Vogel 18. Breast Cancer Genetics--Iglehart 19. Genetic Counseling and Clinical Outscomes--Judy Garber 20. Patterns of Recurrence--Kinne Section VIII - Staging of Breast Cancer 21. Assessment and Designantion of Breast Cancer Stage--Yeatman Section IX - Prognostic Factors for Breast Cancer 22. Clinically Established Prognostic Factors--Wood 23. Investigative Prognostic Parameters for Breast Carcinoma--Jardines 24. Risk Factors for Breast Carcinoma in Women with Proliferative Disease--Dupont, Page 25. Steroid and Peptide Hormone Receptors--Jordan Section X - Molecular Biology of Breast Carcinogenesis and Metastasis 26. Oncogenes--Gelmann 27. Growth Regulation of Normal and Malignant Breast Epithelium--Dickson 28. Concepts and Mechanisms of Breast Cancer Metastasis--Ellis 29. Gene Therapy--Curiel 30. Antiogenesis in Breast Disease--Folkman 31. Immunology and Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer--Eberlein Section XI - Screening and Diagnosis of Breast Disease 32. Examination Techniques--Rosato 33. Screeing and Detection--Abbott 34. Interval Breast Cancer and the Kinetics of Neoplastic Growth--Neiderhuber 35. Breast Imaging--Bassett 36. Stereotactic Imaging and Breast Biopsy--Robinson 37. Cytologic Needle Samplings--Masood Section XII - Clinical Trials 38. Conduct of Clinical Trials for Breast Cancer--Bartolucci Section XIII - Surgery for Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Breast 39. Surgical Principles and Techniques--Frykberg, Bland 40. Indications and Techniques for Biopsy--Urist 41. General Principles of Mastectomy--Bland,Copeland 42. Halsted Readical Mastectomy--Bland, Copeland 43. Modified Radical Mastectomy--Bland, Copeland 44. Lumpectomy and Axillary Dissection--Edwards Section XIV - Breast Reconstruction 45. Breast Reconstruction following Mastectomy--Vasquinez 46. Skin Sparing Mastectomy--McCraw Section XV - Complications of Breast Surgery 47. Wound Care--Bland, Urist 48. Lymphedema--Reintgen Section XVI - Management of Early Breast Carcinoma 49. Lobular Cancer in Situ--Bodian 50. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ--Silverstein 51. Selective Management of Axilla--Cady 52. Axillary Lymph Node Dissection--Moore 53. Lymphatic Mapping and Lymphadenectomy --Guilian 54. Immunohistochemical Detection of Micrometastatic Axillary Disease 55. Methods to Evaluate Surgical Margins--Kelley 56. Choice of Operations for Early Breast Cancer--Cady Section XVII - Radiation Therapy for Stages 0, I, and II Breast Cancer 57. Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Primary Management--Levitt 58. Radiotherapy after Mastectomy--Hagen 59. Conservative Surgery and Radiation--Fowble 60. Patterns of Failure in Small Breast Cancers--Arriagada 61. Conservation Surgery--Veronesi Section XVIII - Adjuvant Systemic Modalities 62. Adjuvant Systemic Therapy--Johnson, Kramer, Anderson Section XIX - Management of Advanced Local and Regional Disease 63. Surgical Procedures--Hunt 64. Integration of Surgical Techniques with Radiation Therapy to the Axilla--Copeland 65. Management of Local/Regional Recurrenct--Hagan 66. Locally Advanced Breast Cancer--Chittoor, Swain Section XX - Management of Systemic Disease 67. Detection of Occult Systemic Micrometastatic Disease--Osborne 68. Palliative Radiotherapy--Zlotecki 69. Chemotherapy for Metastatic Disease--Sledge 70. Endocrine Therapy--Gradishar 71. Management of Pleural Metastases--Johnson 72. Management of Central Nervous System Metastases--Johnson, Kramer, Crane 73. Management of Pericardial Metastases-- Johnson, Kramer, Crane Section XXI - Special Presentations of Breast Cancer 74. Bilateral Breast Cancer--Cody 75. Cancer of the Male Breast--Singletary 76. Local Recurrence, Augmented Breast, Contralateral Breast--Lind 77. Carcinoma of the Breast in Pregnancy & Lactation--Robinson 78. Unknown Primary presenting with Axillary Lymphadenopathy--Tench,Page 79. Patient at High Risk--Page Section XXII - Follow-up Care and Rehabilitation 80. General Considerations for Follow-up--Hunt 81. Hormone Replacement Therapy--Cyr 82. Rehabilitation--Gaskin 83. Dietary Management--Winters 84. Psychosocial Consequences--Zabora 85. Psychosocial Resources--Stillman 86. Patient & Family Resources--McCarthy Section XXIII - Medical and Legal Issues 87. Legal Issues in Breast Disease--Dewar 88. Delayed Diagnosis or Symptomatic Breast Cancer--Kern