Trauma Rehabilitation:: An Introduction 1
Lawrence R. RobinsonEpidemiology of Trauma-related Disability 11
Lawrence R. Robinson and Paula J. MicklesenTrauma Care Systems in the United States 19
Gregory J. Jurkovich and Charles N. MockEarly Rehabilitation Interventions 33
Joyce S. Hedges, Lynn K.N. Krog, Tiffany G. Megargee,Melissa Porras-Monroe, and Ellen Foisie RobinsonMultiple Musculoskeletal Trauma 79
David B. WeissRehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury 91
Kathleen R. Bell, Mary Pepping, and Sureyya DikmenSpinal Cord Injury 115
Diana D. Cardenas, Jeanne M. Hoffman,and Pam L. StockmanRehabilitation after TraumaticLower Extremity Amputation 143
Joseph M. CzernieckiDiagnosis and Rehabilitationof Peripheral Nerve Injuries 159
Lawrence R. Robinson andElizabeth L. Spencer SteffaBurns 181
Peter C. Esselman, Dana Y. Nakamura,and David R. PattersonChronic Pain Management in Patientswith a History of Trauma 205
James P. Robinson and Mark P. JensenManagement of Substance Abuseafter Trauma 225
Charles H. BombardierAdjustment to Trauma 245
Dawn M. Ehde and Rhonda M. WilliamsQuality Care Indicators forTrauma Rehabilitation 273
Pamela A. Palmer Smith and Barbara BeachSpecial Consideration for PediatricPatients with Disability Due to Trauma 291
Terry Massagli and Joyce M. EngelPrevention of Disability Secondaryto Trauma 313
David C. GrossmanIndex 323